I'm sure you're very sick of my traveling stories. But for some reason, I can't get enough of them....
For the last four weeks - the flight from Ft Wayne to Chicago has been late. This has caused some problems - but I never get too upset if I'm late getting to work - its just when I'm late getting home.
For the past three weeks - getting back to Chicago from SF has been a bear.
I know - cause when I check in - it says - you're flight has been delayed. Would you like to look at other options?
I always say yes. This week, the machine tried to put me on standby for the next flight out. I said fine. But for some reason - just as it got to the boarding pass part - it said that the flight wasn't available.
So my 2:00 flight was delayed till 2:30. Then 3:00. Then once we got on the plane - we were delayed again. And then we took off - with the arrival time being set at 9:05. My flight from Chicago to Ft Wayne leaves at 9:00, but I wasn't too worried because usually when one flight backs up - most of the flights back up.
First mistake.
Got to Chicago. Was one of the first off the plane at 9:07 - and looked at the board.
My flight had left.
I went to find customer service - and in the A and B concourses, there were lines of about 200 people in each.
Not a good sign.
I head to the F gates - where I would have left from. I get in line there - only about 30 people. Good sign. Except that the two people at the counter have each been there for over 30 minutes each. And now one of two representatives packs her stuff and leaves.
A new lady shows up 10 minutes later. Now I'm about 12 people out.
They now make an announcement that they will close this station in 30 minutes. There are about 50 people in line now.
Luckily - I am the last one to the counter before they close. I knew I was on the last flight back - but I'm hoping for something. I am told because of weather - there is nothing they can do for me. No car, no hotel, no suitcase - just a ticket for the first flight out the next day at 7 am.
It's now 10:30.
I rush downstairs - cause I figure I'll just rent a car and drive home.
I talk with 5 shuttle vans to the rental cars and no one will do a one way rental.
I'm screwed.
I remember that I heard that over 500 people live in O Hare airport. I figure I'll join the ranks.
I go back inside - but find that all the security gates in this terminal are closed.
I switch over one terminal - and now I'm freezing - cause all I have on is a T shirt - and its 30's in Chicago now - and finally find an open security gate.
I try to walk in and the lady tells me I can't come in. This ticket is for tomorrow. If I wanna go in, I have to go down to baggage claim and stand in line to get a security stamp.
I had passed the line at baggage claim on my way up to the gate. It was over 300 people long - cause they closed all the customer service counters and sent everyone down to baggage claim.
I explained I had already stood in line for over an hour - all I wanted was to get some dinner and sit down and wait for my flight tomorrow.
She said: Well you in trouble then, cause everything is closed.
Taking pity on me - she explained that if I waited for 2 minutes - 11:00 - she could let me in. Hmmm. Wish she would have told me that first.
SO I waited two minutes - and got in.
Found a little outlet station. Plugged in my computer and played a little Half Life2 - trying to make the best of it. Then opened up Final Draft and wrote a couple pages.
Now - at 1 am - I was tired. Make my way to an empty gate and saw 4 guys already sprawled out on the chairs.
I know airport are trying. And I really maintain a level of cool at most times - cause I think they probably have the worst jobs in the world and people yell at them all the time. But I do believe they could design some chairs and benches with sleeping people in mind.
There is no way to sleep on these foul things. There are horrible metal dividers between the seats, they angle back at a slant so that you are rolling into the back supports... Any way - they are horrible.
At one point - I took my shoe off and tried using it as a pillow to survive.
My wife can sleep anywhere - anytime. I can't sleep anywhere but in the most optimal conditions - so the night was miserable.
Compounding the uncomfortableness - a cleaning lady came to vacuum at 2:30 - the floor cleaners at 3:30 - and one guy just opened his big freaking yap and snored for and hour and a half.
At 5 - people started coming in with Mc Donalds and eating right next to us.
I rolled off my bench - got my shoes on and trekked to the bathroom.
Don't think I'd be very good homeless person. But who is?
Thankfully - my flight left on time and I got back to the airport. Unfortunately, I had no luggage - and had to wait in another line. United was short staffed and so the counter help was upstairs getting a plane off - so we stood for 30 minutes waiting for her to come back. On the plus side - somehow my luggage made it there.
So I did get home. Just 13 hours later than I thought.
And the best part is - I'm getting back on a plane on Tuesday.
Don't you wish you were me?