Gorillas in the Mist

What do you do?
So my wife and I had a big conference call last night.
Seems her and my daughter had quite the fight. I've heard this happens - mothers and daughters not quite seeing eye to eye - and my daughter is in the fifth grade - so it seems as if its time for that to start happening - but it by no means makes it easier to swallow.
The issue at hand: Class slumber party.
At the home of one of her classmates. With all the girls in class attending.
We don't know the girl or her parents.
What to do?
For my wife - it is immediate pictures of child molesting Satan worshippers eager to have the freshest meat - covertly planning a slumber part to coincide with the winter solstice.
And she has good reason to think that.
She has friends that all got the "bad touch" at a slumber party.
Me - I always think the best of people. I'm the guy that drinks the water out of the sewer cause the locals do it and are still alive.
In times like this - I think about a guy from our church when we lived in Virginia. We went to a very post-modern type church that brought in all sorts of people and had a lot of grace.
There was a guy who went there that was divorced. His wife lived in Maryland - and he had the kids for a couple of weeks in the summer. They are all big surfers and body boarders - so they spent most of the time on the beach.
And they get attacked by a shark.
There have been no shark attacks in Virginia beach for over 18 years.
The dad beat the crap out of the shark - and the shark still killed his son.
So how does that dad call his ex-wife and tell her what happened on his watch?
I guess my point is this:
In my gut - I say - its a freaking slumber party. What is the big deal? I know that I never want to answer to my wife when she says - I TOLD YOU! F-ING MOLESTERS!
So there we are. Back to the secret of any successful marriage.
"Whatever you think is best dear."
Okay I don't have kids but I do spend all day with them. Are you trying to make your daughter an outcast? Just think of the inside jokes she'll miss out on. She'll see this not as an issue of trust regarding the other people, but as an issue regarding her. You don't trust her to make good decisions. Is there no way to call the people hosting the party and get details? Talking to the people on the phone might make yor wifemore comfortable I would think.
12:22 PM
Whoa - tough one. Know the 'watch' dilemma (that shark story is too much) but I'm with Emily on this one. Call and talk to the parents...have a very serious conversation with daughter about go to have a good time, but if anything is said or happens that makes you uncomfortable, call home to talk about it. And someone will come pick you up. Or the hosting parents will bring you home. etc.
Geez, its only Grade 5 and this are the fears on the table...so sad.
12:57 PM
WHat I always did was go over and talk with the parents. You know in a second when looking in someone's eye if they're crazy or not.
One thing to remember -- which is hard to remember, considering all the crazy shows we've done about these lunatics -- is that the world is much safer than we think it is.
Plus, slumber party = group = relatively safe.
3:25 PM
You guys are crazy. If I know my history, Adolf's inner circle was born out of slumber parties.
Seriously, I think emily blake is right about the perception of the trust issue. That being said, you don't make decisions based on the kid's perception; you work to correct the perception. How you do that is key. That is why emily is right on the money.
The weird part is why no one questions parents who are willing to host a slumber party for kids whose parents they don't know. I do think it would be best to talk to the parents, but that is strange. As a parent, I am very interested in whomever the kids want to spend a lot of time with. I would never open the house for a slumber party with strangers.
My two cents,
M. Bootles
12:15 PM
Another thought about calling the parents. How do you explain to you daughter that you spoke with her classmate's parents and got a bad feeling? Talk about making it difficult for the daughter to relate. Sorry sweetie, your friends parents are creepy.
All of the advice works brilliantly if you end up being really comfortable with them.
I hate to harp on it, but who has a slumber party with kids whose parents they don't know. In this day and age, it isn't smart. Not simply because of the creepy issues, what about the litigious issues. Hey Greg, your daughter broke something in our home, a family treasure. See you in court.
Now, before thinking I'm psycho. My kids have lots of friends. They have been to sleep overs, but with kids my wife and I are familiar with. All if these comments apply to a situation wherein you do not know either the kids or their parents well.
M. Bootles
12:20 PM
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