I know what's coming

Remember Seasame Street?
The chef at the top of the stairs? Announcing something like:
13 banana cream pies!
And then falling all the way down?
This is my week home. I've filled it as best I can with bike rides, wii sessions, Avatar cartoon parties, homework help, long walks.... trying my best to be a dad in one week a month. Doesn't quite cut it.
This morning - our little school here in Indiana does Dads and Donuts. All the dads come to school with the kids a half hour early and hang out and eat donuts. Pretty cool. My kids have been so excited that I'm actually here. Last year, I was in China. Year before that, I was in Virginia producing a series.
This year - I get to make it.
I can't believe it's Friday already and I have to start thinking of going back East.
Far East.
Lots to accomplish this trip. Mostly setting up for a shoot in November. But a lot of travel and location scouting and budget meetings. All the things I normally love.
The movie is sort of stalling here. We have offers to different people who are more or less in the middle of their careers. Opened a few films as leads - done really big films as the second lead - but for some reason are at the point where they feel they can wait for more money on the table before even reading the script.
We have two companies reading the script again who previously bid for it to see if they want to actually get behind the project again so we have real money going into the offers. Still feels like its moving - but momentum is everything.
Spent a bit of time with Ryan. Had a lead on a script that was taking pitches - and we spent two days cranking one out. It turned out pretty well - nothing earth shattering - but nothing to be ashamed of either. It follows the beats of that type of story with a few nice twists and a cool setting. Who knows if it takes - but for a couple days work - it was nice. Was one again reminded how nice it is to write with a partner. Doesn't make the work easier - but it does help you to skip all the dead ends and nonsense much quicker.
Hung out with the extended family last night. We watched Survivor China. Never watched a whole episode of Survivor before...but it was mildly amusing. We all watched because Jean Robert - the poker player - went to High School with my sister and I in Taiwan. He was in her class. I was sure he was gonna be kicked out last night - but he survived. But doesn't look like he's long for this world.
More notes on the new script. More Elmore Leonard books read this week. More thinking and plotting about what the future might look like.
And I truthfully have no clue...
But I know what's coming... and the fall looks painful.
Tuck your shoulder and roll, my brother.
7:33 AM
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