Not Dead Yet...

Just sleeping - and having trouble sleeping.
So sorry for the extended break. But since getting back here Thursday night - my life has been a bit of a blur.
Mostly its been seeing family.
On the homefront - all is well. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. As it stands now - I keep the job and the girl. As it stands now...
But on the sleep front - nothing but trouble.
Got off to a good start. Got home at 7pm Thursday night. Slept from Midnight till three AM - talked to the wife till 5 - then slept till 12:30pm. Stayed up Friday night watching Beverly Hills Cop 1 and 2 back to back on HBO. Fell asleep at 5am - and fitfully rested till noon. Stayed up all day yesterday. Went to watch the Departed last night - WOW - and came home and watched Stripes with the wife till about 3am. Got up now at 9 for church.
Feeling a bit dodgy.
But it should pass. I think. Just in time to head back?
After watching the Departed - I had a really good cop film idea. And by really good - I mean something that has a lot of elements that have been done before -but never quite in the way I'm thinking about. So that gives me hope - let it start percolating in my mind.
Played a bit of Lego Star Wars with the boy. Wow. That is a really fun game.
Watched the LOST premier on my computer with the wife. Still sucked in. Love that show.
Feeling better now. Guess it's time to get off the toilet and back to life. More tomorrow - as I start the Indy commute to SF all over again.
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