Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Whoring your way to the top

Judge not the acting, less your acting be judged...

BOTTOMS UP! The most brilliant film ever!

I noticed the other night as I was walking through Walmart with my daughter looking for new Transformers videos for my son's birthday that Bottom's up has just come out on DVD.

I worked on two days of reshoots for this film as a 2nd AD.


This is going way back in the day. Actually over a year ago. Almost the first two posts on this blog. At that point - there were basically one or two readers - as opposed to the three or four I have now.

But, for those of you who love a story - here's a little refresher on why this clip is so cool.
Part One:

Or as I like to call it - How Nate wanted an autograph and instead I got kissed by Paris Hilton.


Part Two:

Or - How I wanted to help and ended up showing my ass for no reason.


When you watch the clip again - you can see me in three shots. After Jason Mewes gets thrown out - he runs past the front of the club.

As he skids to a stop - that's me.

As he runs to the side after the cutaway of the car - that's me.

The long wide shot of the guy running - that's me.

The shot where he gets hit by the car - that's a stunt double.

I shot one more scene that's supposed to be part of a montage - but thanks to the beauty of youtube.com - I don't have to watch the movie now.

But I am very curious to see if I got the credit I so richly deserved:

Jason Mewes Ass Double.


Blogger glassblowerscat said...

Nice work, Ass Double.

I'm sure you'll be glad to know that I thought some more about plot stuff last night. One of my possible scenes may land three characters in jail.

7:38 PM

Blogger wcdixon said...

Cool - hey I brushed against Paris Hilton's arm once at a Maverick Party in LA during AFM..just so I could say I touched PARIS...woooo!

10:45 PM

Blogger wcdixon said...

Shit man...you're going to make me go back and read your archives aren't you - great posts/stories!

10:53 PM

Blogger Seeds of Glass said...

If stories were medals, this one would definately be on the trophy shelf. It's like a zombie (not Paris, the story) you think it's had it's run, and it comes back again, fresh as ever. Unlike Paris (thank God) somethings will never get old
...ok enough Paris jokes.

1:56 AM

Blogger japhy99 said...

Were you trying to make Mewes look like a tool, or do you really run like that?

In the world of Ass Doubles, you're definitely the assiest.

5:35 PM


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