Meow are you?

Nice to see that Mr. Bootles could stop back by the site. Haven't had a comment from him in at least 3-4 months.
What I really appreciated is that I placed a call to him yesterday during my 4 hour delay on my way here to SF. He decided to call me back at about 5:30 AM my time.
Needless to say - I'm stumbling around a bit - but its a big week. Lots of decisions to be made. Lots of things to get down. And the future is at stake...
Watched Heroes last night. Interesting. Lots of stories to keep track of.
Watched Studio 60 at the Sunset Strip. I don't care what people say - I like it. A lot of bloggers complain that the stakes aren't high enough - but trust me. People who work in TV and Film think that what they are doing is the most important thing in the world. That even more than politics - TV is a matter of life and death. So for them - it IS everything.
I promise myself and you that I will write this week. And read Ryan's new script.
Meow - to the showers.
your pictures do a good job of describing the mood you seem to be in. Good luck with work.
11:39 AM
Yes!!! I love it when my comments make their way into the subject matter of a post. However, I called at 7:30am Greg's time... not 5:30am as reported. Greg has big credibility issues with regard to time. He has been in more time zones in the last week, than anyone should... and he still cranks out the posts. I would recommend sleep, but that is no way to get over jet lag.
Keep on, keeping on (to borrow a very poor 70s saying,)
M. Bootles
3:08 PM
sad truth Bootles... you called at 7:30 today... but yesterday - when I posted this - you called at 5:30.
So where's your Messiah now?
6:31 PM
Wow, I'm wrong. Word of advice to all young bastards out there. Before you accuse anyone of an error... especially someone jet lagged and completely on their toes... get the facts straight.
I guess I should throw out my trust dusty "Confrontation for Dummies" by Punky Jam Jams.
M. Bootles
7:16 PM
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