Back to the grind

So I'm fighting a cold.
And the best thing to do is make sure you cross a lot of time zones, get little to no sleep in any, and get on a plane every three days.
In SF this week - there is some crazy conventions. Not sure what they are - but the streets are full of people with little plastic tags around their necks. Embarrassing.
Every Hotel is full. I'm staying at a new one - the Hotel Nikko. Very elegant, right downtown - and the room I'm staying in is tiny tiny. But the price is Giant Giant. I think over $300 bucks a night. And literally half the size of my normal room that's half the price.
It does have a flat screen TV though - and I got to watch Heroes and Studio 60 last night.
High Five!
Spent time with the family this weekend. Very nice. Jade did her first oral report with another classmate - Natalie. It was on the Mayans. On their own - they decided to do a interview - where Jade was a Mayan Princess. They wrote it out - like a play - filled with sarcasm (don't know where she gets it) - and it ends with the lights going out dramatically, and Jade disappears. No one knows where the Mayans went.
And then my son - who just turned 7 - wrote his bio for class. He said when he grows up - he wants to write movies. Where the heck did that come from? Who wants this life of pain? I felt like I should sit him down - like an old immigrant father - and explain:
Son. I did this - hunched over a computer all day. In bad light. With broken and cracked hands. An open bottle beside me. I did all this - so that you won't have to. I want better for you son...
Big call today. Budget went through last week and today we start making the big decisions. Also gotta decide if my contract gets renewed this week. And the Chinese Celebrity search continues.
Gotta plan the next China trip. Gotta get a visa for that trip.
Lots of things piling up. But that's the fun part.
And writing. Can't forget to write. In between everything else.
Another week. Hi Ho!
Oops. Should I send the cut to SF and not WL of it goes out today or tomorrow?
12:55 PM
Hope ya feel better soon.
2:18 PM
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