Days like that

Yesterday was nothing like it was supposed to be.
I had plans.
And you know what they say about the best laid plans.
So my day went another way.
I had a lot to get done - a lot of things I needed to do - and they all went undone.
On the plus side, I did get to spend some time with Ryan and Scott.
But there was more to do. And it didn't get done.
And so it goes.
Went over my 5 page start last night and like the direction and feel as if I have an interesting voice for the characters. Now that Shawn has given me the plane adapter - I hope that I can work while in the air.
Should be doing some work for Tadd as well. Little writing assignment for a trivia game - but it will be some extra scratch in the pocket.
And the translation game continues.
I need to spend more time in China to keep up my Chinese. My understanding it there - just need to get my speaking back.
They just called my flight. No delays yet - knock on wood.
More tomorrow from the other side of the world.
Time to start digging....
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