I have a friend.
Let's - for sake of a name - call him Shawn.
Those of you who know me or come here with any regularity at all might immediately jump to conclusions and think that this Shawn must be the guy that I'm always writing about. The Shawn who is my best friend. The Shawn who I had a company with for 13 years. The Shawn who moved to Indiana with me to produce a movie. The Shawn that is now the head of the International Division of a major company and spends all his time traveling around the world troubleshooting.
I don't know why you would think that. Maybe I just like the name.
So in the story - "Shawn" - as I like to call him - has just returned from a huge overseas trip.
The day after Christmas - he left for New Zealand for work. Or maybe it was vacation - who knows. Either way - he was supposed to be back in Indiana - or whereever he lives - on New Years Eve. And for the sake of this story - let's say I was going to be at a party at my sister's new house on that night. "Shawn" and I were supposed to talk there.
Well. He never shows up. What the heck?
My sister comes up and pulls me out of the crowd and tells me she has to tell me something - but she can't do it in front of anyone and definately not in front of the kids.
At first - I'm really worried. Then a little scared.
Did she somehow discover the truth about me?
What's this all about?
It's about Shawn - she says, as I let out a huge sigh of relief.
And then she told me what happened - as I begin to laugh.
Because here's where things get interesting.
I'm not going to tell you that Virginia has some strict laws about people that continue to use their drivers liscences even when they no longer live in that state - but what I will say is that if you have been gone for more than a year - they will simply cancel your licence.
On the way back from VA this summer to visit family - Shawn - and I remind you here that this could be an entirely fictional Shawn that simply shares many characteristics with the real Shawn - gets one speeding ticket too many and the cop that has pulled him over gently reminds him that his licence at this point is no longer valid. He takes the licence and leaves Shawn a ticket.
Now if this happened to you or I - we would simply get a new licence. But not the hero of this story. He's a really busy guy.
Flash Forward to September of this year.
Our busy hero is rushing off to work. In the heat of the moment, running late, he doesn't have time to wipe all the condensation off the windows of his car - and at a four way stop where he thinks the road is perfectly clear - he proceeds to plow straight into another car.
He convinces said officer his licence is elsewhere and gets another ticket.
Flash Forward to the end of this year.
In a remarkable bit of planning - Shawn is scheduled to return from Down Under on New Years Eve at 11:30 at night. Thinking it's probably best to not be on the road driving at that time - he moves his flight up a day to arrive the night before New Year's eve - on December 30th.
So after flying for 20 hours - Shawn arrives in Indianapolis - tired - worn out - and just wanting to go home.
When he reaches his car in the long term parking - he realizes it won't start.
He left his lights on.
Shawn calls security and they call a cop. Shawn gets a bit nervous - but plays it cool. The cop jumps him - and then they all take off - with the cop following him out to the highway.
Part way there - the cop runs Shawn's plates. And then the lights go on.
It is at this moment - Shawn realizes that there is a warrant out on him for an unpaid traffic ticket.
Shawn is going to Jail.
It is now New Years Eve.
The Court isn't open on New Year's Eve.
Or New Year's Day.
Or - thanks to the death of President Ford - the next day.
Little does he know - "Shawn" is staring down the barrel of four days in jail.
Tomorrow: Part Two of a simple story.