Turning over in his grave

Like every bright shining good intention - there is a dark underbelly of exceptions.
Tried to blog yesterday - but the Fort Wayne Airport decided to keep me off their server. After various delays - I did finally return to SF - feeling older and none the wiser.
Just an observation.
When I lived in Virginia - a bastion of Southern Hospitality - we always celebrated the great Doctor Martin Luther King's birthday. Every Year.
In Indiana - the small town that I live in - where I have actually seen porcelin statues of small black kids fishing and black jockeys holding lamps in front of peoples houses - they have no work or school on MLK day.
In San Francisco - the liberal mecca of the world - work goes on as normal.
How does that work?
Went in for the last two hours yesterday. Still feeling shakey about being there. Mix of anger and anxiety. But I think I can try to choke it down for a couple more months of savings. I can try...
In honor of inappropriate talk - I leave you today with my three favorite stories of crazy talk. I have been guilty most of my life for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time - but these three are my complete favorites.
A friend of ours was out with a bunch of people - family and friends. He was meeting them and talking - and they were in this slightly dark restaurant. He was talking to this kid about 12.
Hey dude...There's something on your lip.
Uh...No. That's just my lip. (The kid had a hairlip....)
Oh...Yeah. Um. That's cool. That's cool.
Pulling into the local mall for lunch - two guys from the local production company. The mall is in the more "urban" area of the town.
Hey man - make sure you lock you car here. The blacks will take your stuff.
When you say black - you mean black like my wife?
(And he did mean like his wife. I can't imagine how awkward that lunch was afterwords. But it does make me smile everytime I think of it.)
A friend has a friend who was a waiter at a downtown restaurant. Everyone knows in food service - you balance that cynical streak with a customer service streak - and sometimes one overcomes the other.
This guy was kinda a smart ass - but a good worker - playfully teasing his customers and having fun all night. Till this night.
He's bussing food - and its busy. Stopping by tables to offer a little cutting remark and head to the next one.
Stops by a table with a couple out on the town. The wife is cutting up all her husbands food.
OH - what's this? Does mommy need to cut your food for you?
The wife looks up - horrified - as the husband slowly lifts his arms revealing -
Waiter goes to the kitchen and never comes out.
There you go.
Have a great day and don't say anything stupid. But if you do - let me know - I'll add you to the list....
Ah, but lad, you forget that here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, they couldn't stand to let the good Reverend Doctor have a day without some sort of counter. So what do they do? A few days before MLK Day, they celebrate Lee-Jackson Day. They just needed to get that one last jab in.
I still can’t understand why I still live here. This place slays me.
9:32 AM
I'm in a meeting with a development exec and she asked me which TV programmes I liked. I dutifully trotted off every one her company had ever made.
She asked me about any I hated and instead of shutting up and/or mumbling platitudes I lambasted a lame show I'd seen the night before.
She politely informed me that her husband had written it.
I didn't get the gig.
9:33 AM
I was out to dinner with a really good friend of mine and an old friend of his whom I'd never met. She didn't know much about me, and I don't exactly lay on the Southern drawl. She was German.
She started a rampage about how stupid and racist Southerners are. She can't stand them and they all suck. I said sweetly in my thickest natural Southern accent, "I'm from North Carolina, honey."
11:34 AM
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