Happy New Year?

Was this you this morning? Last Night?
Hope not... :)
Spent New Years over at my sister's new house. Actually had a decent time. The kids went crazy - running around - grabbing pots and pans and banging them like nuts outside at midnight.
Inside - I hung out with the orphan - who I hadn't got a chance to talk to much since our summer in VA working for Bill in the art department. He's growing up - leaving the nest. Hard to believe he's on his way. Still has a long way to go - but he's on his way.
Also talked to a new friend - Chris. Great guy - and his wife is cool too. He is on his way to be a missionary in New Guinea. He's 20. Got a long road ahead of him - but the kid has a great head on his shoulders and so much passion. Great thing is - he wants to make a difference with his life. Doesn't wanna wait till he gets old and burned out - he wants to do it now. And God willing - he will. There are so few adventures left - but heading out into the jungle to a group of people that have never seen white people before - well - that's an adventure.
As long as you don't get eaten - then its a tragedy.
Other than that - things are good.
I fly back to SF after two weeks at home - the longest I've been here in a row since summer. I'm ready to jump into some editing - getting stuff in the machine and really looking at the footage. Deciding what works and what doesn't.
And then finding out what's next.
So there's a lot on the plate. But also lots of opportunites. So it will be fun to see what the new year holds.
Are you ready for yours? What are you looking forward to?
Should be fun. And Exciting. Hopefully just not more of the same... :)
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