
Oh blessed internet - I missed you so much. I promise I will never take you for granted again. I will love you and squeeze you and take you home and call you George...
Uh. Sorry.
Wow. I am stateside. Not home. But the flight from China to SF is only 10 hours compared to the 14 to Chicago. And once I hit Chicago - I have four hours till my next flight - and then an hour drive home - usually bringing the trip total to around 20 hours. 10 hours is nothing. Chump Change.
So my company now had me in an Executive apartment. Which really means a one bedroom hotel room with a kitchen. Its actually quite nice. If it didn't take me an hour to figure out how to hook up the internet - it would have been nicer.
I dropped all my stuff in the room and walked next door to a little overpriced deli to get the essentials for apartment living: toliet paper and detergent. I came back - and noticed that the door to my "apartment" was not all the way closed. Its a weighted door - but it seems it didn't shut all the way. I had my arms full of groceries - so I pushed the door open.
The bathroom is immediately inside - and I noticed the door was closed. I remember it being open when I left. The door was sort of opening and closing - like doors will do if there is a draft in the place. So I'm standing there watching the door - and wondering if it was possible someone came in cause I didn't close the door all the way - so I push the bathroom door open -
And for some reason I'm ashamed to admit - I scream like a little Japanese Schoolgirl.
Thankfully he is the building guy - apparently coming to fix a door that doesn't shut well - the bathroom apparently... And he actually seemed to be quite forgiving... which is a good thing. But he did tell me he'd be back - so that's got me a little nervous. Who know how many times I might return home to find a black guy standing in the bathroom waiting...?
A man can only dream....
So there was that.
And let me apologize. It was quite humbling that the one or two of you who swing by regularly were actually concerned about me. While I was not dead - I was in China - and the internet there is wanky. As I left today - the paper said it should be better in a couple weeks. We shall see.
My China trip summary:
Meeting Meeting Meeting. 15 hours a day. Stay up all night cause you can't sleep.
Watched illegal DVD's. Get on a plane and come home - sick with cold cause you got no sleep for 9 days.
And now I have a shoot here on Friday and Saturday.
But I feel blessed.
I know my script was hand delivered to one of my top choices of actors at Sundance and he is reading it. I was approached by another company that is planning on doing a big historical film in China - and we're supposed to conference call the producers this week.
I did a little writing while I was there. Key word being a little.
Last night in Beijing was a long day. Finished up at 10pm. I walked the mile back to the Hotel - and I was really tense. A bit angry at some of my team. Decided since I'd be on a plane all day today - I'd go in and get a massage.
Not that kind you perverts.
So I went in - laid down - and literally - within a minute - I don't remember a thing. The girl woke me up and told me I was done and that I was snoring. And handed me the bill.
Bill told me I was lucky I didn't lose a kidney...
So I feel bad - this blog hadn't been dark for almost a year straight... and now.. down for a week.
But I'm back baby... Thanks for the support... I swear there's more excitement to come...
you're really trying hard to recapture your audience! This episode was quite steamy! ...black men in your bathroom, massages...what happened to good old fashioned quality programming? Glad to hear you're back. I hope the script sells itself, I'm sure it will.
8:04 PM
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