Crazy Eyes

Trust me.
You don't wanna make this guy mad.
I heard a great quote while I was in China.
We don't have enemies. We just have friends that are more successful than us.
That's for Ryan and David - both punks who are kicking it hard - finishing up dramatic reworkings of earlier scripts. Good for them.
As for me - I suck. But if you come here often enough - you already knew that.
I did the impossible yesterday. I actually stayed up all day and fell asleep at night. Watching Happy Gilmore - if you must know. Geeze that is some funny stuff. I made snot come outta my nose twice.
And unfortunately - that snot came back to haunt me as I have another killer cold. Woke up on the hour every hour from 3 on to blow out the foul stuff. My new place sits all alone near a bridge with no drug store anywhere close and all my cold medicine was used up in China - so I'm hanging by a thread. But I'm sure it'll all be good.
Went and saw Smoking Aces yesterday. I was really excited about the film - but really felt let down. Just not my cup of tea - I suppose. And it should be. It has all the things I love in movies - but it just didn't gel for me. Narc was a lot better.
Today I jump back into the fray. I'm producing a big shoot Friday and Saturday - and apart from budgeting it - I am ashamed to call myself producer. I'm sure my shame will spread out further as the day goes on...
Till then... don't make me angry... you wouldn't like me when I'm angry....
welcome back...
10:53 PM
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