A simple story concluded

If you only knew the images that seared my eyes looking for a picture of a man in the shower. It's nothing that will be easily recovered from.
More in an hour or so...
Ok... Look. I didn't mean for things to get this outta control. Not like I really wanted to wait this long - and now - it's sorta becoming like the hatch in Lost. It was a nice set up - and you really think that things are gonna be great - but then the season ends with you looking down the hatch - and that's it.
No idea what's inside.
I really thought I might have more time then I thought to finish this post today - but things are a bit outta control here. What with all the shoots and travel and editing. So I'm not the man I thought I was. I actually have a job. One where they don't like to see me writing about convicts and hot soapy love.
Really. I'm sorry.
So it ends up being like the Monster at the end of this book.
I know you're waiting with baited breath. And is it because you want to see Shawn - whose name may or may not have been changed to protect his innocence - or guilt - anally raped? Or is it because Gay Will is such a sympathetic character?
So - to clear up whatever little suspense is left -
Shawn was showering. Gay Will approached him. Started showering right next to him. In a giant empty room of showers - he picked the faucet next to Shawn. And started showering. And staring.
You know who I am? he asked.
No. Replied Shawn.
I'm Gay Will. He says.
(And how cool is that that he ends up using that as his name. Gay Will. Like Kill Bill. Or Joe Cool. It's Gay Will. What else do you need to know?)
Shawn at this point is trying to set the record for fastest washing in the world. Suds are flying as he is moving at Kung Fu speed trying to get the shower turned off and get out of there.
Uh huh. Shawn mutters.
Gay Will - still staring - not at all washing or anything - with the water running down his gut - says:
Boy. You gotta pretty mouth.
Sorry. He didn't say that.
He said:
If there's anything you need - or anyway I can help you while you're here - you just let Gay Will know, and he'll see what he can do.
Shawn grabbed his towel and slowly backed out of the room.
And that was the end of that.
I promise - tonight will be the conclusion of the tale - with the poker story.
Sorry bout the wait - you sick bastards.
12:02 PM
Way to take one for the team.
Wait. What team are you on?
3:15 PM
You said it would be an hour or so way more than an hour or so ago. I'm on the edge of my seat! It's my planning period and I want a conclusion!
I would gladly have looked at pictures of men in the shower, if you had only asked.
4:19 PM
Are you trapped in a time-space contiuum? This must be the longest hour of your life, because in regular life it's been 8 hours since 11:27am
We'll do our best to wait for you, but if you wake up in the Kaatskills with a big beard, a rusty gun and your dog ran off...that happened to a guy once and things didn't turn out so hot for him.
Who knows what you might find when you come back down from your mountain!
7:33 PM
So we didn't get some ridiculously embarrassing assault attempt.
At least Mr. Will refers to himself in the third person. At least we have that going for us.
1:03 PM
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