Getting away with it.
Ok Class - What's wrong with this picture?
It's like the guy who put the car up his butt in the Jackass movie. Remember the advice the Doctor gave him?
Doctor - Who knows about this?
Guy with car in butt - I don't know... My friend...
Doctor - No. Tell no one. Even one guy is too much.
With murder - if you got the ball to do it - even one guy is too much. And four is definitely waaaaay out. Trust me. Unless you kill the other three and have a whole lot of self control - you are screwed.
To reiterate some of the genius that I repeat here on a daily basis - stop for a second and go to and read the top post. Heck - read all the posts there, cause that guy knows what the heck he is talking about. And it sure explains it in a more eloquent way than my ramblings...
When you are a writer - you spend a lot of time imagining things out. Sometimes you spend a lot of time wrapping your head around things that you really would never want in your head.
I spent 15 years doing crime shows for the Discovery Channel. For some shows, I would do three murders a show -others -just one. I have recreated and interviewed people for in excess of 150-200 murders. I have seen the real crime scene pictures - I have spent countless hours on and off the clock with homicide detectives in almost ever state and province, and I have sat and listened to victims recount the horror of the effects of murder on their families.
In the first couple years of doing this, I was but a wee lad of 23- straight off the mission fields of Asia... and I remember going to bed at night with the images of these pictures burned into my mind... somehow being unable to escape those horrors. But somehow during the intervening years, I began, not only to accept what I saw as the way life was but to think and plot like a cop ... wondering, if it was me that came upon that crime scene... what would the evidence tell me ... and how would I go about trying to solve that case .
I was interfacing with the best police minds both in the field and in the lab. With the FBI, the ATF, the RCMP and one of my favorite questions was:
How do you commit the perfect murder?
And they would always tell me:
You think I would tell you? I might need that one day :)
After a while , in my travels , the police would pull out some of the cases they haven't solved or talk about tricky cases ... and now, because you felt like one of the team ... you might tell them about a case you did on the show that is sorta close and did they maybe try this? And they would say - no- hey, that's worth a shot. And you start to feel like maybe you really know this stuff . And then , something snaps you back to reality , like:
A cop in San Diego who works the cold cases. He asked me how many years I had been on the show. I told him 8. Then you should figure this out, he says. He throws down a bunch of pictures on the table. This is all I had to solve the murder. It went down as an accident ... but the family kept telling me it was murder. And this was all the evidence I had ... cause it took place 13 years ago.
He laid out the pictures. I stared and stared... not expecting to get called on the carpet. And then I saw why these guys are so brilliant. He methodically laid out what he did ... and what he saw ...and what he tried and how he explained what he saw ... and that bastard used these old pictures to get a guy arrested and thrown in prison 13 years after a murder took place ... and he never even set foot on the scene.
He knows how to play the "What if... ?" game.
For the last two weeks, I have been living inside the head of a killer. I have been trying to figure out why he would want to kill a public figure. Finally I realized I was asking the wrong questions. Now I have to figure everything out again. Rebuilding everything from the ground up in time to pitch this week.
We will see how I do.
But... for all you would be killers out there ... if there is anything I have learned in all my years that undoes all your preparation, all your genius, all your hard blood stained work ... it is this:
Keep your freaking mouth shut. And you might have a chance....