Saturday, November 18, 2006


Laid back. With my mind on my money and my money on my mind...

Flew down to LA yesterday morning.

Had a 6 am flight so I was up at 4 and racing around. Went through security in SF with that news guy McNeil? The one with really black eyes and no whites in them?

So yesterday was my first time directing a Hollywood type star.

Granted - it was only for 15 minutes - but that's better than most of my performances... ask my wife... :)

The girl - who was actually as nice as her images says - is really a TV star. She headlines her own TV series. A while back she had a few big movies as well - but she is loved all over here in the states.

She was doing stands up and interviews and beauty shots for us all day.

But for a quick little bit - she was going to do some things for the international guys. There was reps from Japan - and me - the white guy who represents China.

The Japanese guy got her to do something very stylized and specific - and then it was my turn.

Granted - we never met her earlier in the day or had even a second to introduce ourselves. And we had heard rumblings that she was very nervous about speaking another language and not at all sure she wanted to try it.

And this intro is taking place on a lit set - with everyone standing around waiting - and we are already running an hour and half late on the day.

Typically this means people are grumpy. And harried. And don't want to give you the time of day when a production like this is running out of money and control.

The star had just done 35 direct to camera stand ups off a teleprompter. She was tired - having worked 18 hours the day before so that she could free up the time to do this - and now she had to speak Chinese.

I introduced myself as they changed mags on the camera. Took a deep breath and took her through the three phrases we were trying in Chinese. Pretty simple - and getting harder...

Shei shei. ( Thank You)

Ni Hau. Wo Shr.... big American Star... (Hi. I am Big American Star.)

Gao Lun Ya Fu fey chang hao. ( This product is really incredible.)

See? Easy?

She was nervous - and said she was never so scared of the words coming out of her mouth.

The shot - set up by Chris - was incredibly beautiful. And because she was a bit nervous - she smiled and laughed a lot. The mood on the set relaxed - and for 15 minutes - she had a blast.

I got to show the group here that I know what I'm doing - and the producer came over and told me he was really impressed that I was so decisive and really improved the mood on the set.

I got my three lines and left. The star came back to the monitors for lunch - repeating her lines in Chinese - smiling the whole time.

All in all - not a bad day.

Makes up for earlier in the week, I guess. Now I have to get some writing done this weekend - and get ready for the other star on Monday. Hopefully - it will be as nice of an experience.

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Blogger glassblowerscat said...

Fix your damn post, girly-man! It's all one big link!

And I'll get just as much done as I please, thank you! (Translation: I haven't done anything.)

12:50 PM

Blogger wcdixon said...

It's always a pleasure when 'stars' aren't a pain, isn't it.

2:47 AM


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