Here's looking at you, Emily

Emily over at White Board Markers - one of the sites you should be checking out daily - threw down a clown gauntlet to me.
She is afraid of clowns - and as my regular readers know - I seem to enjoy plastering bad clowns all over my site. Along with pictures of animals humping.
Obviously I have issues.
But in honor of Em - I'll share another one of my favorite clown stories.
Earlier - I related the tail of how KILLJOY - the evil clown script - came to be. What I forgot to tell was the story that proceeded that story....
Once upon a time....
I directed shows for the Discovery Channel for 12 years. As such - I have an insatiable curiosity. I love to ask people questions about what they do. Nothing makes me happier than to find out about a persons life in a short amount of time - and most people love to talk about themselves - so it works out well.
For the most part.
Sometimes - you get more than you bargained for.
Like the time Shawn and I started quizzing a truck driver who was making deliveries to a restaurant. As we gathered the facts of his life - somehow it came out that he had spent time in prison. When we asked what for - we found out he was sleeping with his step-daughter. Who was 14. But - as he explained - she liked it.
Anyway. This is a clown story - so pardon the interruption.
My wife and I are at dinner in Virginia Beach. Before the kids - when it was just the two of us and we didn't know how good we had it. So we are waiting for our food - and one of those damn clowns is making the rounds. You know the ones - they come to your table - make some balloon dog - and then ask for money.
I hate this.
Usually I just try to ignore them till they go away.
But this guy was kinda cool. He was making the most unusual stuff I had ever seen. The one I remember was Barney eating Scooby Doo. It was an actual balloon dinosaur with a dog in its belly.
While I forget what he made for us - I do know that I started peppering him with questions.
One part of which went something like this:
So. Where did you learn to do this?
And he said: I don't think you wanna know.
Oh but I do.
Yes. Really.
You sure?
Well. When I was in prison - the guards would give us boxes of condoms. And I had nothing but time - so I started blowing them up. And then making stuff out of them. And it was tough - because they were lubricated - and I kept breaking out around my lips. Till they finally brought me some that weren't lubricated...
Hmmm. Well. Thanks for that... Check please!
After that - I asked no more questions.
But I know that when I told that story to Tadd - it stuck in his head - cause it was a couple weeks later that the dead clown came out of the park...
So beware the clown and his balloons... Cause you never know where they've been.
But my kids are gonna have to stop reading over my shoulder...
"Whacha readin', dad?"
"Oh nuthin' - just some work stuff..."
My readng continues, until I look back to see son also scanning post, eyes widening in alarm.
Serves him right for asking so many questions...
9:28 AM
Thanks for posting yet another picture to give me a heart attack.
You have once again demonstrated why clowns are disturbing. God help the clown that ever comes to my table to blow up condom animals.
1:03 PM
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