Thursday, November 16, 2006


If there's anything I've learned in the past couple years - its that nothing is what it seems.

Remember that wierd movie with Al Pacino and Colin Farrell called The Recruit? It's not that is was horribly bad or anything - it just made me crazy with the trailer where Pacino says like 10 times in the same annoying accent:

Nothing is what it seems.

So anyways - I had what was supposed to be my meeting yesterday.

Even though I have been known for being a big middle finger - I am always pretty well liked by those I work with. Its those I work for that have issues with me.

Since I've been here in August - I have had three conversations with the big guy. All three have been performance related things - none outside of that. He always seems dubious at best that what I'm doing is going to last. I think he was surprised when my budget got approved. When we talk - he always seems a bit upset.

So going into the meeting that I think is going to be about salary and benefits really turns into a talk about whether or not this will even be a job...

So there's that... :)

He sees the project at least going through June of next year - but that's because he's never heard about any other projects happening in China. The head of International has said there will be at least 4 more projects going - but I know he watches every penny and so its hard to get him to commit too much till he sees how things are going...

There is a lot going on and not a lot of communication.

So while I thought the meeting would be one thing - it turned on its head to be a beast of a different color.

Again - I guess - whatever.

The job has been good to me. I think we are going to have a lot of fun shooting in China - and there is a ton of work to be done. I am shooting with two young female American celebrities on Friday and Monday and teaching them a couple lines in Chinese. I am heading back to China after Thanksgiving for a big model shoot. We are busy looking for a big Chinese celebrity to host our show. I am making cash to help replenish the dry days of waiting for the big movie to happen.

All is good. God takes care of us. I have no complaints.

If this is for a season - it is for a good season.

But I have my eyes open now.

And trust me - no monkeys are sticking their fingers in my anus...


Blogger japhy99 said...

Would that be the monkey's BIG MIDDLE FINGER?

Ah my friend, impossible to predict, eh?

If they're smart, they'll keep you on, with a raise.

If it ends, they're stupid. And plus then you can go back to watching daytime TV.

5:11 PM

Blogger Joe said...

I'll take the high road and avoid commenting on the monkey or his middle finger. Give me a call when you're in L.A.

12:01 PM


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