Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Blair woke me up at 6:45.


He has a 6th Sense of when I am completely jet-lagged and fall down tired and calls me then.

Before I was crossing international date lines - we would have a normal before 7AM call - since we are both early risers. I used to like to get up and write. Now - I am still trying to figure out what city I'm in.

Blair is back at work on his script. Taking out all the bad and replacing it with good. Ryan is doing the same. So is David. All three of them taking a script they wrote - all three great scripts - and fixing them.


As Borat would say: Not so much.

I'm messing around with a new idea.

Ryan has lots of theories about me - and one is that I don't re-write that much. Which is only partially true. I rewrite constantly. I rewrite the entire script every day I work on it. By the time I hit - in my case - 130 pages - its more like a third draft.

But once I finish it?

Not so much.

I need to improve on that.

But I'm sort of a never look back type of guy. I don't really like pictures. I like to remember - but not look back.

And with stories - I love them so much - I'm constantly looking for the next one.

Ryan wants me to fix my con man script. I like the idea - but I'm enjoying working on my new urban thriller.

Ah well. The life of the mind. It's great when you have one.

Rough when you don't get any sleep.

Off to work - and then to the embassy for yet another visa.

Keep your fingers to the keys, kids.


Blogger Seeds of Glass said...

I saw this and thought about you writing scripts...I'm not sure why, but copy and paste this link...

8:36 PM

Blogger Seeds of Glass said...

just kidding that didn't work hmmm.
well it's an article on about gold pirates who hijack mine shafts and sneak around underground

8:36 PM


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