
Long day today. And yes - I should be trying to sleep... But go figure.
Had a really good meeting with the production company. Tough because we have settled on a price without really knowing what we are doing - so that is already begging a lot of questions as to what is in the budget and what isn't... Which makes this kind of thing a bit difficult... But I think it can be fun...
Just kidding. It's not fun. But makes for those really great uncomfortable pauses where they realize I have big ideas they haven't budgeted for - and they know the number is already approved and we have to stick to what we've got.
Great way to enter into a productive relationship.
Director Hu took me to play basketball with him after the meeting.
As I said last time - they play on a regulation full court. Last time - we played three 40 minute periods - full court - with no subs. Tonight - we went one better and played an hour and a half straight. No breaks.
I thought I might vomit - but I held it in. Director Hu wanted to take me out to dinner - but I had to explain to him that I could not see eating right now. In fact the idea of it makes me wanna puke.
Still does.
And there is one old guy - sorta the boss - cause he bosses everyone around - and everybody just lays off him and lets him shoot. He's really good - for an old guy. And as the guest - I should follow the crowd -
But of course on one drive I pop him right in the face.
Not that hard - but hard enough for him to get really angry. He didn't try to hit me or anything - but he wasn't happy with me. After that - he called 3 seconds on me three times. And at least one of them wasn't true. But I kept my big stinking American mouth shut.
So we will see if I'm ever invited back.
Been sitting here writing the script for the shoot next month. Good idea to have a script so that you know what you're shooting. At least that's what I hear. I tried to get them to help me come up with ideas - but it was kinda a joke. Four guys in a room trying to figure out what makes a woman use cosmetic products. I kept trying to get them to go for an emotional approach - but it seemed far removed from them.
So I have to figure it out. And then make sure its Asian enough.
Cause tomorrow we're scouting locations. So I better figure out what I want.
Or at least what I need.
There's nothing so comforting as knowing that you're a failure in not one, but two cultures.
Well. Back to figuring out how skin care can solve the worlds problems.
Seacrest out.
you may be a failure in two countries, but at least your life makes for entertaining reading for the rest of us.
consider it a compliment that your blog is my new favorite study-break in between classes.
please go get your hair permed per Asian style...then you can get it cut off again...but I think I speak for all of us when I say "we'd love to see you in a perm"
11:35 AM
Remember what we talked about, in regards to punching the boss in the face?
Once you grow up and have your own studio, you can punch anyone you want in the face, but until then...
5:49 PM
I totally support punches to the face. But as Japhy implied, it's important to know who you can and cannot punch in the face and get away with it. So you should go out on the street and find a homeless orphan and punch her in the face. Then you don't have to worry about consequences.
10:08 PM
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