Still kicking

Sorry for the blackout day.
My wife arrived on Tuesday night - 2.5 hours later than she was supposed to. Since there is no way to check the flights into Beijing on the internet - it meant I got to sit in the airport and hang out. While I didn't bring a book - I did have my ipod and got to watch the last episode of Hero's that I got to download before coming.
What a great show. I really like it.
And I watched the pilot of Black Donneleys. Not bad either. Great acting - fun characters and an interesting arc. Will be interesting to see what happens next and if it can be fun in the long haul.
But now my wife is here.
And how awesome is that? I know it may sound silly to sing the praises of your significant other when usually its much easier to complain - but the sad truth is that I really love her. Probably more important is that I like her. She is really fun.
She was dancing around yesterday saying she feels like a princess living in this giant hotel. Like Mary Tyler Moore at the beginning of her old show. She isn't used to having the kids here 24/7. And of course - just like I said - it didn't even take a day for her to start talking about how much she misses everyone.
Go figure.
The shoot is steaming forward. Still lots of problems and hopefully lots of work arounds. Just trying to be patient.
The nice thing about being here and in charge is that I can feel like I'm the boss. The bad thing about being here is that everyone everywhere else feels like they are my boss. I have never sent so many emails and so many cc's in my life. I'm embarrassed. And everyone has a say. Bleah.
Yesterday - the Shanghai office pulled a fast one on me again and really tried to get me into a fight. I am never one to pull punches and when I got the email - I was so ready to go down the line- explaining why they were such idiots and that everything they were saying was wrong.
The office there called me 5 times in a row - trying to get me on the phone to get into it with them.
But instead- I took a breath.
Bill talked me off the ledge- amazingly enough. I also had to actually say a prayer out loud to God to ask me not to turn into the Hulk. I calmed down and went all zen on him and just responded as if he wasn't a complete maroon and said all was cool.
That really freaked him out. He really didn't know what to say. But it worked.
So go figure.
Today is more of the same. Things are shaping up with our Star - everything's a go. On top of that - we are adding a pretty big model and possibly a big make-up artist to our list of endorsers... so things are getting bigger and bigger...
Who knows.
I got tagged by Emily I see... and I really must address that. Probably tomorrow. She's in the middle of showing the world what it takes to be a big director. Balls.
So still surviving. And actually slept for 5 hours last night.
Tatanium balls, as a matter of fact.
Actually I'm not sure how I got into this. So keep posting about all your problems. I'm taking notes and going, okay, expect that kind of crap, it's normal...
I'll be on set when crap goes down and go, "What would Greg do?" and then give everybody the finger.
7:11 PM
Ems, my dear, the beauty of our man Greg is not that he gives people the finger, but that he IS the finger...
it's all very Zen.
8:19 PM
greg is the nicest middle finger you will ever see.
what's tough is being his AD...or basically the person responsible for making the middle finger palatable for everyone else on the set. :)
8:31 AM
on another note...i can actually recall a couple meetings with greg where i have literally prayed in my head that banner would not turn into the hulk.
funny to watch the middle finger slowly inflate like a giant macy's parade float during a tense discussion.
at least it's funny now as i think about it.
8:33 AM
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