Don't drop the baby

Every shoot is a precarious balance of so many elements that really you can't possibly juggle them all.
Every day represents an infinate number of decisions and possibilities that any one wrong decision can scuttle the entire shoot.
I often say that I am paid now not because I'm good - but because I've been doing this so long that I can avoid many mistakes. Not that I don't make new ones - just that I can avoid a lot of old ones.
We are starting down that path. Like being on a rollercoaster when you reach the crest of the hill and they let you go over the top just a bit to see what's coming before they rush you to the bottom.
Every shoot has that point. It's the point of no return. It's where if it goes any further than this - you really can't do much more than throw your hands in the air and scream - cause there's not much you can do but hope the bottom doesn't fall out.
In Hollywood - the solution to most problems is to throw money at them. It's all you can do to keep bailing water out of the boat - but every cup reveals a new hole in the bottom.
This is how production works. You are trying to anticipate where the holes are gonna be and shift the weight of the sinking boat from one side to the other - hoping you get to shore with a few passengers still breathing.
And this is what makes it fun. And exhilarating. And crazy.
But I love it.
Bill and I sat all day yesterday going over creative. Its easy for us to slip into the philosophical - but hell - we've worked together for 10 years. Crazy. I trust him so implicitly and we know each other so well. I can't wait to see what our sets look like and how we're going to bring them to life.
We are still negotiating with our big star. Don't know yet how it will turn out - but I did find out that there is a lot of stuff in our budget that I didn't know was in our budget...
So we might be getting more expensive. Not bad - but more.
My wife comes tonight. I feel like a giddy schoolgirl. I really and truly can't wait.
Last night - we took a break from work from 6-8. I came back to my room and watched Sympathy for Lady Vengence. Oh my gosh. If you haven't seen OldBoy - go get it now. And if you liked that - go get this I can't say enough how fun it was and what an interesting filmmaker this guy is. Definately one I will watch again.
Today - we have it rough. We're going location scouting out to some beautiful villas by the Great Wall. Should be fun. Take my mind off the rest of the problems.
And try not to drop anything.
I'm still scarred from Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance; I don't know if I can venture into further adventures with that particular trilogy.
Hurray for your wife coming. Tell her I said hello from America.
8:33 PM
Excellent tales and tips from the trenches my man. Forge on...
12:41 AM
Hey -- mystery budget surprise. That's a nice twist.
Riding the coaster, hands up, screaming,
10:17 AM
hey bub!!! ley me know when ivys safe:) kids are with me today and its 70 out!!!! we are gonna have fun miss you!!!
12:15 PM
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