I am an idiot

Its been a really long time since I've had a nice animal humping picture on here - and I have to meet my end of the month quotas. I filled the bad clown quota - but have seriously be far behind on the animal humping photos.
I was reminded of this when I looked at the search queries that brought people to this illustrious sit - and was surprised to see that someone actually had the nuts to type into google
humping pictures.
I love that. How discrete.
Should I be shocked or honored that my site came up? I did have an illustrious run back 5-6 months ago of animals doing the birds and bees... but it wasn't anything nasty - more really a pictorial representation of the life of a writer... employee... anyone really who has to bend over on a daily basis.
So sir - or madam - I am truly sorry. I'm not sure what you were looking for with that search - but I can bet that you didn't find it here.
And speaking of apologies...
I rarely lose my temper - except on here or on the set - and usually only when I have Shawn or Bill or John around.
But yesterday - in the middle of all the nonsense of the day - I blew up.
Like most people's life - the big things are usually easy. It's the tiny little microscopic details that grind you down until you can't even see straight. There was a little disagreement over something so small and so trivial to me - that every time it kept coming up - I just kept getting more and more upset. And to the person bringing it up - it really was a small thing too - but she really wanted to solve it in a way that would cause the least amount of trouble. She was trying to set precedent that would make things easier to work through the company.
Typically - when it comes to self-destruction - I am a genius.
I have yet to lose my temper here. Everyone sees me as this laid back kid from the Midwest.
The person that was talking about this issue with me is a good friend. She is a sweetheart and one of my favorite people here at the office. We shared an office for a couple months and really bonded. When we went out the other night - she kept punching me in the arm - telling me something about me just made her want to punch me.
Yesterday - I told her that her rules were stupid and nonsense and walked out of her office.
Sigh. The big middle finger raises its ugly head.
In truth - her rule makes sense. Its not how I would do it - but it does make sense. And it's not stupid - it makes things work in the company better. And its her job.
So - as if you needed to be reminded - I am stupid and full of nonsense.
Another great friend of mine here - who takes care of all the little things for me - followed me out of the meeting and explained to me ever so patiently that I was in fact - an asshole. That if I wanted to complain about something like that - that I should do it with her privately - certainly not the way that I did it.
And she was right.
When do I get to be right? Oh yeah. My wife told me. Never.
So I did what I do a lot. Marched back to my friends office and threw myself at her feet and begged forgiveness. It was a stupid and petty thing that I can not for the life of me tell you why it got me upset and I am sorry.
She responded by showing me pictures of her with her first dog when she was two. And I found out she was a baton twirling champion who toured Japan at 12. How can you be mad at a baton twirling champion?
Not me.
Today is my last day in the office for the next month. Gotta get everything I need and then some to get ready for the big trip. Still way too much to do and not enough time to do it in.
I'm dancing as fast as I can. And trying not to bend over for fear of what's coming...
Oh my dear friend, if only more people were "stupid and full of nonsense" as you describe. Which is to say human, and thereby imperfect, but willing to admit it, apologize, try to do better and move on.
Frankly, we could use more people "stupid and full of nonsense" around here. Send some, please.
11:14 AM
I love apologies. They're my favorite. I used to get to do them so much more often, though ... what happened?
Unrelated: I'm sure you'll be glad to know that my ever-uncritical girlfriend read the cousin script and loved it, of course. Although she did find two instances of misnamed character, so that's something.
Good luck in China ... eat Chinese food (of course, over there they just call it 'food').
4:56 PM
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