If it walks like a duck

Talks like a duck...it's probably a duck.
That's a saying made popular by a friend of mine from Texas. And I don't even want to think about what that has to do with the above picture...
But it does apply to the writer.
My my.
I so know what its like to be in his position. Going to meet with people and trying to get a job based on who you are in the room. As you can see yesterday - I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt - not wanting to cast judgement till we see the whites of his script pages.
Some of the best writers I know are crazy. They are socially inept. Fat. Unkempt. Crazy.
Alot like the Chinese Ryan. Who does have teeth so much as brown decaying halloween candy corn like points. And just cause he has rotten teeth - does that mean I would not defend him?
No. I do and did.
But he showed up yesterday without anything.
He was supposed to have written two scenes for the show. He took a scene I gave him as an example and rewrote a couple parts of it. The one scene I told him was the most important one - he didn't do at all.
He claimed he ran out of time.
Granted - he only had one day. But it was a one page scene. And I'm quite gracious.
If this was english - I would write it all myself. Hell - I actually wrote 5 pages of sample dialog and had it translated so that he could get a feel for what I want.
But Chinese Ryan doesn't look like he's up for the challenge.
I think he might have to go. Cause he walks and talks like a duck.
In other news -
Bill came in last night. Great to see old friends and I am no longer here alone. Actually the party is growing - cause my wife comes next week. Then John - the DP - and finally it seems as if Victoria and her husband from SF will come out to help supervise.
Lots of people.
Our star tried yesterday to move the shoot again - this time pushing it forward another 5 days. I don't think that's such a good idea - and said so. Today we will have a production meeting and see what we want to do.
I made Bill watch Jackass 2 yesterday.
Some of it makes me laugh out loud. Some of it makes me cry in my heart.
I think it just makes Bill angry. Great way to start him out... :)
I woke up at 3 - so I'm back to old tricks. I watched Alpha Dog - which was executive produced by a former old friend. I thought it sucked. Just a lot of posing going on about nothing. No idea why they made this film.
On the plane I finally saw the Fountain. Very Eastern. Mysitcal. Visually stunning - but ultimately pretty empty for me. I love the look and the way the stories tied together - but still not really sure what the take home was supposed to be.
Also saw Deja Vu. I know everyone ripped it apart and the writers themselves distanced themselves from the film - but how can you not like Denzel? For the most part I was intruiged and had fun watching.
Today is going to be fun. We have minimal time and money to pull off a couple huge shoots. So it all starts now.
Better learn to talk like a duck.
When I compare myself to people like Chinese Ryan (I'll compare myself to anyone with my name), I think: "How could I not be successful as a writer? I'm not crazy, and I practice adequate personal hygiene."
If only that was all it took.
I perceived the take-home from The Fountain to be: Death is your friend. Which is true.
7:54 AM
"...i swear to f***ing god...if you don't stand in that light and say those lines the right way...
...i will take that jacket off you, put it on myself - and act your part for you."
---i heard a director say that once on set. cracked me up. :)
you have to tell the story about the bet on set.
10:32 PM
I can speak duck, but I can't read it.
10:54 AM
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