Is it the weekend?

I have no clue.
Time is past being something that I can keep up with. I think I'm just gonna have to give up. Its not even remembering what cities I'm in anymore. Its actually trying to even keep up with the days. I am pitiful.
It's 3:30 and I'm not in China. These are China hours. What the heck?
I actually had a date with my wife last night. We went and saw Music and Lyrics. It was really fun - especially if you liked the 80's - as my wife did and does to this day. She was laughing out loud the whole time. Not as loud as in Borat or 40 Year old Virgin - that would not be possible - but for a romcom - she laughed a lot.
I flew home late Friday and I still don't have my luggage. Nor really sure how to rectify this. United had me on hold to speak to someone for 40 minutes last night and when the call finally went through to an operator - they hung up. Must not be a good time for them. Or for me. All of my clothes that I travel with are lost. As is a suitcase full of digibetas of all of my show elements - graphics, clips, everything I need to start the editing process...
Must be somewhere between SF and here - just not sure I'll have them back before I take off for China Tuesday.
I flew back from SF next to a guy that is the head of research at a huge Ad Agency. One of the biggest. Back in the day when I was directing commercials - I did a Pizza Hut one.
Don't worry - you would have never seen it.
But it was done with this agency. I'll never forget it because we literally had about 20 execs on the set - all watching the monitor and telling me what I was missing.
It was quite nice.
Back to the plane:
It really was a great trip. This guy was just a bit older than me - incredibly smart and articulate - and though we are both sort of in the same field - we work on different levels.
And we both had spouses in the midwest we were flying back to see.
He didn't have cash on him - so I bough him the $5 snack box on United. Now he owes me.
It was also really weird because in the course of the flight - three things came up that actually made me look like I was someone important - even though regular readers here know that I am nothing but a fraud... :)
1. He told me he had recently returned from Las Vegas from an ultimate fighting type match. He said he was doing some work with a Japanese group. I asked him if it was Pride. He couldn't believe I had heard of it. I explained that back when my script was just starting its long hard road to nowhere - I was asked to pitch a movie about a Pride fighter by the owners of the league. They had a bunch of pitches from a bunch of writers - all better than I - but for some strange reason - they picked mine.
Sad end to the story - after a couple months of development - Lawrence Bender was brought in to produce the film. I was the first element dropped. Haven't heard much about the project since.
2. Stranger than Fiction had just started on United in March. As we talked - Tony Hale walked on the screen. I don't know how many of you have ever watched Arrested Development - one of the great TV comedies - but Tony played Buster.
Many many years ago in a long forgotten horrible TV series anthology drama - I gave Tony his first break. We went to Grad school together and he actually played a psycho serial killer. And was quite good despite the show being quite bad. Tony went on to do a number of commercials - huge commercials - including the Domo Arrigato Mr Roboto Volkswagon spot before landing Arrested Development - and as I love to remind him - he would never have gotten anywhere without my horrible little show.
3. In the course of the conversation - Blink - the book by the guy that wrote Tipping Point - came up. Its a good book - not as good as Tipping Point - but not bad...and I know a guy that's in Chapter 5. His name is Kenna. He used o be a punk kid. And then he wrote some music and opened for No Doubt in LA a couple years ago. Had his CD produced by Chad Hugo from the Neptunes. He hails from Virginia Beach. He's a good kid and his music is really good.
So in the course of one flight - three strange little coincidences all happened to make me seem as if I actually am somebody that is worth knowing. Sad to say they all were mostly about other people who I was at one time or another were able to help and have long since passed me by for greater glory.
That's how you know you're getting old... :) At least I'm not bitter. I keep telling myself...
Well. It's four. I better get some sleep. My dad is preaching tomorrow at a church an hour away and if I'm going I gotta get up in a few hours.
This upcoming China trip is gonna be a nightmare. I'm gonna need more than a paperclip to help me.
Say a prayer...
Will do.
9:55 PM
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