To sleep... dream....

I had the strange and rare privilege of actually waking my kids up to get ready for school this morning.
Mostly I get to leave before they wake up. And on the weekend - they wake me up - cause I'm usually three hours behind.
But today - I woke up early - and they still slept. I got to go into their rooms and gently try to wake them. Instead they both rolled over and acted as if I didn't exsist. My daughter actually asked if she could sleep more.
So cute!
And I got to say "No" and act like an actual parent. Amazing! I almost forgot what its like.
Speaking of sleep...
I leave for China tomorrow. And I have a month away to look forward to. I'm already getting slammed - with meetings scheduled from morning till late in the night my first and second day there.
But I'm trying to be smart.
I called my Doctor this morning. I am trying to get a sleeping pill. We will see if it makes a difference. Last couple trips I just ended up sleeping only 3-4 hours a night and getting pretty sick.
No more. I shall sleep the sleep of angels - all brought on in a chemically induced haze of some sort of sleeping rememdy. I look forward to that almost as much as the shoot... being in China and actually sleeping.
So today is going to be devoted to the creative.
I have to have my concepts done today so that they can be in the process of being translated for my second meeting with miss Chinese celebrity on Friday. We were supposed to have scripts for her on March 1.
Scripts are not even close. We're still working on concepts now.
I have to write the scripts. Get them translated. Give them to the writer. Have him rewrite them to sound Chinese. Get them to the Celebrity. Have her give notes. Rewrite them again. Get her to approve them. Go to the head of the ad council and get him to read them. Make notes. Rewrite them again. And be done with all that before the 20th or so of the month.
What am I complaining about? I got 15 days. And we still have to get production ready... :)
Maybe I can start with those pills now...
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