
I made it here.
Amazingly - the flight took off. It was really snowing hard... and coming down everywhere. To get from the Hotel to the airport took 40 minutes - and it was only 4 miles away...
Long flight. Extra long - coming here. 14.5 hours.
I slept about 4 hours - so I'm really sleepy now.
Gotta get out and walk around a bit and see what's near the hotel.
Tomorrow starts early - 8:45 - so I gotta be up and running.
It was in the 50's when I landed. Supposed to be getting colder.
Celebrity is on Friday - so one day to prepare...
Smiles all around... :)
Glad to hear no airplane horror stories this time.
Although, when you don't suffer, it's not as funny for the rest of us.
So see if you can get into some madcap taxicab mixup, eh? You know, for your fans...
9:23 AM
Somehow,I agree.Your agoney is hilarious.It makes for a longer story.But the pictures top it all.
4:39 PM
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