All in the Family

I'm home.
Thought I might not make it back.
We finished up our shoot on Saturday night.
Everything went well - for the most part. At this company - they are very sensitive - in a California type of way. We are talking to people about topics that they may find a bit embarrassing - so they typically only let ladies do the interviews.
Since I was producing - I asked to do a couple.
It wasn't looked on as a very good idea.
The first day - there were two guys. I interviewed both of them. But no girls.
The next day - I ended up jumping in for at least 4 interviews with girls by the end. I finally broke the sexist stereotype. Or so I thought.
I made one girl cry.
I mean - really cry. She was so nervous about being on camera - so just locked up and broke. They had to take her to the next room and get her drunk to get her to come back.
It wasn't my fault. Really. I promise.
The shoot ended and I had to take all the kids back to the hotel - since I was driving the 15 passenger van. All the way back - they yelled and screamed - happy to be in San Francisco from whatever part of the midwest to East coast they came from - and blasted the radio as loud as possible.
I felt really old.
Looking at them - I knew I was old. I felt more like a bus driver...
I went to return the Van after the shoot. Remember - I don't know anything about San Francisco. It was embarrassing - actually - because all these kids were in town for two days - and they've seen more of the city in that time then I have in 5 months. But I walk to work - and walk home - and its dark... and 10:00pm East Coast time by the time I get home... oh well - no excuse....
So I'm supposed to cross the Bay Bridge and take the van into Oakland. A shady part of Oakland. Near the shipyard. And then take a cab back to the hotel. Should be easy. Should be.
I got over there easy enough.
The problem is - the place I'm taking the van to - its set up in these giant warehouses. And they are located behind a big fence. With a really hard lock. I had the combination - but it was really dark - and slightly cold - so once I got it open - I decided - with my little reptile brain - that, since there was no one around on this abandoned road - to put the lock in my pocket - close the gate and put the van away. I'd call a cab, walk back, and lock the gate as I stood outside it.
So I parked the van and called the cab company. The number they gave me was for San Francisco. And they don't send cabs to Oakland. They wouldn't even give me a number for an Oakland cab company. I had to call 411. The first Oakland company wouldn't come out to me. They gave me a second company. That company didn't know where I was and gave me a third company. That company knew where I was - and finally sent someone my way.
I got out of the van - and this guy was standing there.
Who are you?
Uh... I'm just returning this van....
Did you just see those guys run in here?
What guys....?
Did you lock the gate?
Uh.... I um... have the lock...
I jump back in the van and go lock the gate. Apparently I let a couple crack addicts in who broke into one of the warehouses in - like - 10 minutes. They told me to get out of there cause they called the SWAT team and if I didn't want to answer a bunch of questions - just get in the cab and go.
I told them I was a PA. Not a producer... :) Once again proving that the producer can be the biggest idiot on set...
As I fell asleep Sunday - I saw there was a big fire in Oakland. Didn't stick around to see if it was my warehouse...
I did make it home yesterday for the Superbowl. Watched my Colts take it home. Barely... :)
My kids made me a welcome home sign. My dog about killed me trying to get to me. My wife is sick - so she pushed me out of the bed.... 4 outta 5 ain't bad... :)
It's 29 below here - windchill factor. So no school. Get to spend the day with the kids... :)
Tomorrow - its back to work. Today is all good...
4:30 PM
that was so funny!!!
4:47 PM
4:47 PM
Crack addicts, huge fires, and -29. I thought I had it bad here at +5 standing oustide for uniform inspections...ahh well misery loves company. Way to go reptile-brain!
7:15 PM
Welcome to Oakland, bitch! (Dave Chappelle)
I thought you used to live in the city. The midwest can't have affected you that quickly. Lock your sh*t up!
10:56 PM
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