This is how we roll....

China represent! What!
Function rules - screw form. It ain't how you look - its how you get the job done.
Just another constant reminder that a little humility goes a heck of a long way.
People in this business love to tell you how great they are. They love to talk period. How they did this and did that. They are almost as bad as writers avoiding a deadline.
David and I can tell you stories. Back in the early days of our Discovery Channel shows when we would do reenactments with tiny crews smaller than a student film - that were airing nationwide in the next month. It was almost a joke.
And how that company grew - making shows like a tiny little Virginia sweatshop - with dreams of hitting it big.
Of making one of the worst dramatic series in the history of dramatic series. Shot on location - on film - doing up to 11-14 pages a day - 12-16 hours a day 6 days a week for 24 weeks. Dying on the vine...
I can remember Shawn and I walking in to a bank in T shirts and shorts with a couple hundred thousand dollar check that we needed cashed. We were getting ready for a big shoot in China - and we stood there with big grins on our faces - thinking just how ridiculous this must look. The tellers couldn't bring themselves to give us the money. They called the clients that wrote us the check. They asked the client to describe us.
They said - are you sure you want to give the money to these....boys?
We got the money. They apologized. We said it was fine. We wouldn't give the money to us either.... :)
Today was a long day.
I've been here at this company for 5 months. Besides directing some BIG STAR direct to cameras in Chinese - they have never seen me work. I'm relegated to a back office with the other people in international. They prefer to forget about the rest of the world. Nobody knows or really cares what we do.
I was supposed to handle two interviews today. I ended up doing four. People were really excited. Probably more like shocked - that kid has skills?!?!
I got a lot of compliments.
It feels good.
But I like to operate under the radar. I can name a million directors better than me. But not many luckier than me. I've been blessed with trying to make things work for peanuts. For taking crap and trying to shine it like gold.
When you go from that to people who can't do an interview without a 40 person crew - you seem like a genius.
But I think we all know the truth.
I do.
Cause - like China - it ain't about the flash. Its about the delivery.
Do your work. Put in your time. Pay your dues. Watch and learn. I still do it every day. And remember that every time you succeed - you still will fail twice as many times.
The only reason I'm hired now is because I've screwed up so much - I have the foresight not to make that same mistake again.
I'll make new ones. I promise.
Just don't laugh when you see me coming. You may dig on your Prius... But my horse truck gets some kick ass mileage - and besides the methane - we are much more environmentally friendly.
Gotta go. Call is at 5am...
If you ever get nominated for an Academy Award, please roll up to the red carpet in your horse-truck! Limos may look nice, but no one would EVER forget the horse-truck. Just one more small way to make yourself immortal.
3:23 PM
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