Ho's Ho's Ho's....

Happy Ho-lidays...
Finally read the short from my Paramount guy.
He sent me the story while I was in China. This guy won't give up on me yet.
He has more faith in me than my agents - who won't talk to me right now. I'm sure the second I have something going - or a wiff of something going - I'll be hearing from them weekly again. But for now they stay silent.
But the story was good. Real good.
A ghost story. Or ghost-like story. It has lots of interesting elements in it. Mostly things that work really well in a story but not in a movie. An interesting premise and a nice ending - although its one we've seen quite a bit of in the past couple years.
But its interesting to note that what sometimes takes place in a story just can't work in a film. Especially a horror - or type of horror - film. In a short story - you can get away with all sorts of vagueness and loose ends that never work in a film. People want A to B logic - and things that are set up - pay off.
In horror - we want to know that the guilty are punished - and the innocent survive. We want to know that even though at this minute - chaos in the universe is unleased - that there is a reason why this is happening - and if we can figure it out - things will return to normal. That when the film is over - we have escaped the terror - even if only momentarily.
The story inspires a lot of thoughts and ideas. But to make a film - the telling would have to stray far from the source material. I don't know if that's good or bad - but its the only way I would know to do it.
Still making notes and gaging reactions. Will have to see where those things lead me.
On a happier note - kicked out 5 pages yesterday. Even though it was at 2 in the morning - it felt nice. I'm trying to enjoy my last few days before all comes crashing down as I head back to the Bay City next week.
Till then - back to the corner for me. Gots to make my paper....
It's funny how that is...I'm in the middle of trying to adapt a book into a tv series - it's an interesting concept, but a lot of it out there like it as well (Medium stuff), and so much of it is internal or in heads of characters that it would be tough to translate to screen. And my efforts to make it more screen friendly has led to a concept that resembles the novel, but is also far enough away from it to almost feel like a different series. So the dilemma becomes...tie it novel still? Or just make it something original of my own? Hmmmm....
12:58 PM
When it comes to horror films, I'll take tone and imagery over plot any day. Sounds like you're on to something...
4:31 PM
When it comes to horror films, I'll take tone and imagery over plot any day. Sounds like you're on to something...
4:31 PM
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