Beijing Party Scene

More than one way to skin a cat.
I'm here in China - meeting with production companies.
We are looking around for a Coordinator for some focus groups - and as such we advertised for the job on a lot of websites here in China. One of them - a group based out of Shanghai - posted the job - and then sent me an invitation for their first ever Beijing mixer.
Last night I headed to the Trader Hotel Bar for the first ever get together of Beijing Expats.
You have to wonder what type of person ends up chucking everything where they are to go to Beijing. There is a definite social climber type kid who sees this as the fast track to something else. But then - there is a whole other type...
I don't do the party thing. I like being in my little hole - writing - or sitting in the corner with friends making snide comments. But the best way to find out about reality is to get to know people - and if I'm going to be coming here a lot - it will do me well to make a few friends in this part of the world.
So - of course - I arrive and stand in the corner.
The bar has a patio that has food on it. Going from the bar to the patio is a step down - that for some strange reason - I insist on tripping on 4 TIMES during the night. It's not enough to do it unobtrusively either. I have to do it - stumble drunk fashion - spilling my drink and food each time.
I do end up meeting people. Each one with a strange reason for being here.
Jennifer - on scholarship from an obscure Army benefactor - who is here to study Chinese and Business.
John - French Canadian. Here studying Chi Gong and teaching self confidence to foreign executives.
Joan - a Chinese teacher to foreigners.
Olivia - an investment banker who has worked all over the world - but now is in Beijing with her husband looking for a new job.
Maxim - A Russian bamboo commodities trader. Talked about the difficulties of living in Africa - and the joys of San Francisco.
Stacey - here with her Fiance. Came from a small hometown in northern California from a Mom who never let her get on a plane until she left the house. Now she jumps on a plane every chance she gets.
I sat there smiling. Letting their stories wash over me. Everyone having that moment when they felt something pulling them to leave the life they knew. The life of their parents. Their comfort zone. To go somewhere where they can't speak the language. Where everything is different.
To step out.
They don't know what it is - or why - but you can see that small spark of adventure and knowledge that they chose a different road. They aren't like everyone else.
All in all an interesting evening.
Now - I'm off. Slept through the night again - and today - more budget talks and interviews.
Hey, I saw that movie! Bill Murray was great, and Scarlett in those panties...
10:03 AM
Hehehe... Russian Bamboo Commodities trader... How did you keep from laughing?
I gotta write that one down.
9:07 PM
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