Quietly bemused...

Um... No comment.
I remember being young. It was nice. I could do so much more. The only time I really feel old is when I look at my kids and think - damn... Those kids are big. Their dad must be old. Oh yeah...That's me...
Cause you get old - but you don't feel old. And I usually don't act old...Much....
But I sure as hell can't go without sleep like I used to.
Yesterday - I thought I slept all night - only to wake at 2:36. So I made sure not to sleep all day - I was in meetings that were just for me - so hard to sleep through them - even if I drew eyes on my eyelids - it doesn't work - trust me....
So I stayed up. I had a meeting at noon. So I ate breakfast. Walked around. Watched 3 episodes of Battlestar Galatica... Wow! Wrote three pages... WOW! Then went to my lunch meeting. Then a meeting at the production company. Then came back to the hotel - with a pounding headache. Ending up having one of the interview candidates want to meet last night - and that took me till almost midnight. I think I was actually getting dizzy. My head was pounding so hard...
I ordered a red bull to try to stay awake. And here in China - red bull comes in this little cute can - like if they took the long skinny red bull from the US and exported his short fat little cousin...
Anyway. I'm old. And grumpy. And need my sleep. I guess you don't get old - you just turn into a bear.
Two strange moments from China.
Bout 11pm at night. Crossing a giant street in downtown Beijing. Have to go through an underground passage to go under the street - not simply across it. As I go down - I'm surprised to find a group of women - 50's and older - in a heated game of Chinese Hackeysack. In China they use a little weight with a big feather on it... But these ladies are cooking. Kicking that thing back and forth and laughing and laughing.
Damn. They were good. And having fun. Don't think I've ever seen any 50 year old ladies in the States doing that. Maybe walking. Or playing tennis or golf. Nothing soccer like. Made me smile.
On the way to the interview last night - I passed Tienamen Square. I'll try to get some pictures of it before I leave. But it is really strange. The square is the largest outdoor square in the world. Holds more than a million people. It actually shuts down at night and is patrolled by guards. But right now they have these giant islands of flowers and balloon characters decorating the square.
When I went by it was packed. Hard to believe it is the same place where such tragedy occurred only a few years back. Even countries with the longest history move on with short memories. I guess we all have to.
More meetings today. Hopefully more writing.
Maybe this jet lag is a great cure for one thing: laziness.
Funny. I'm actually devolving. I think I'm more immature now than I was in high school, thanks largely to moving to LA and leaving a man very near the altar. Or maybe it's because I hang around 16-year-olds all day. Or maybe it's all in your head. Stop thinking about how sleepy you're going to be tomorrow and have a good time right now.
Then again, I don't have kids. Or a wife. You've got priorities.
11:25 AM
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