It's not you...

At least it's not just you....
Here's another fact about writing. And while you might hear it over and over - it always bears repeating. Because its easy to believe that even for those who do it often - it gets easier.
It doesn't.
While I do believe that the more you write - the better you get, it certainly doesn't make the process any easier.
Sometimes you feel all alone in your despair and depression - frustrated that the words aren't coming, frustrated your ideas suck, frustrated you are without inspiration.
To belabor an old expression - Writing is like long distance running. No one likes it. You just do it... And after a mile or so -it gets easier. But the hour before the run - and even while you're stretching getting ready for the run - your mind is silently searching a thousand excuses and reasons why you don't want to be doing what you need to be doing.
I promise that when I sit down to write - I usually have thought of everything I can do before I sit down. But just by attaching ass to seat - I can come up with another 100 reasons why I should be doing something else.
It doesn't get easier.
But you do learn tricks. Ways to play games with your head that allow you to hit those marathon sessions where it seems that you can write no wrong...And even to hit a single when you really are striking out.
It's hard. Don't let others tell you that its not.
As a kid - I sucked at sports. I was the smallest kid in my class every year - until 10th grade where I grew 8 inches in one summer. Until then - I found the way for me to excel was to do the things that no one else wanted to do. So I ran distance. I played left wing in soccer. And I got better. But I didn't have to be that good - cause no one else wanted to run 12.5 laps around the track for 3 miles... So I varsity lettered in track all 4 years.
Here's the take home.
Everyone has a script idea. You go out to LA and there are a thousand and one people trying to do what you do. But each day you sit - each day you face down the demon - each day you write - that's one more day than the poser.
Writing is hard work. Almost as hard - but not quite - as child-rearing.
But what separates us is the days where we write anyway.
Even when its hard.
Because its hard.
Train in the rain. Train in the snow. Just keep going.
Cause in the end - you're still standing. Long after the posers have given up.
It's the life of the mind. So take smoker's fag and kick its butt....
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