A dish best served cold

So as usual - the joke is on me.
STAR1's agent called me last week. I didn't call back. Was gonna call on Monday - but got an urgent email from my Paramount producer that there was a really great director that loved the script and wanted to move on it - and could I wait to make the deal for a couple days?
Turns out - there were two guys.
One director has a great resume. Lots of TV - but some of my favorite TV. He did a movie - that wasn't so good.
The other guy is THE FINNISH GUY! The same guy who wanted me to write a script for him and I didn't - and then he told me I would never make it in this town. The same guy that keeps coming back again and again... Hilarious!
What a freaking joke. Who is this guy and how does he move in these circles?
I'm gonna go cry in my milk.
Woke at 5:30 again.
But today I feel as if I broke a bit more story. I sort of stalled out on page 20 of my script - and now I feel as if I'm getting the direction I want to go. I love a story that takes major turns - but sometimes I make too many turns and make it tough to keep the through line emotionally there. So I'm working on stretching and flipping... and I think it will work.
Its still a dark and twisty story - but I really like it. And if my script that people like is any indication - this one should be right up their alley.
Off to the gym.
And hopefully, the heads I knock today won't be my own.
You're about to get all confused by the various interests and options and get too turned around to actually do anything, aren't you? I can see it coming, you pansy little girl.
Are you going to be back tomorrow that we might meet? Or what's the deal with that, anyway?
11:44 AM
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