California Dreaming...

Color me Hasselhoff...
Well - yesterday was that kind of day.
I'm not a pessimistic person at all. I am usually cautiously optimistic. I approach most scenarios as if they will go my way once I've had a chance to express my view - because once you see the brilliance of my argument - you will have no choice but to come around to my way of thinking.
I'm a guy that likes a green light so that I can go from zero to 100MPH at the drop of a hat. I love jumping face first into a project where I can apply my all - and not do anything halfway.
After my sort of crappy meeting on Wednesday - I worked on my psyche all night and convinced myself that everything would be OK. Talked with my Dad and my wife and said it really isn't so bad. They will do what I want eventually - but if it is too much time and red tape - I can always leave before I get insanely frustrated... And since they hired me for my opinions - I would just tell them exactly what I thought - and if they didn't wanna follow it... Well - there wouldn't be much use for me here. A consultant with advice that meant nothing.
So with that in mind - I went into another meeting last night with the President and his second in command.
Very different.
Focus. Deadlines. Agreement around the office. Suddenly my advice is listened to. Getting things up and ready is very important. And we need to move quickly.
They want a report back from me by next Friday so they can approve it and get us started.
So I have a really big report to get started on...But renewed excitement in this job.
Actually went back over my pages yesterday. I toyed with throwing out my first 20 and starting over. From scratch. More conventional storytelling... But I don't know. I worked on polishing them for an hour yesterday and I really liked them. Sent them to Blair and Ralph for thoughts...
And since I'm up today - I'm gonna write some more this morning.
Saw Crank last night.
There was talk of trying to get the guys that did Crank to look at my script - but I don't know. Not that I shouldn't be anything but excited - but the movie didn't work for me. The Directors are very stylish - but it was a pretty empty style and crappy script.
When I heard the concept - I thought it sounded great - but I really wondered how you could take that idea and keep the suspense and excitement up for 90 minutes... And now that the movie is over - its obvious they had no clue either. It was diverting - but not in the same game as other, better movies...
Getting on a plane in a couple hours... Till then I'm a gonna work on my Tahiti brown tan....
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