The new life

I don't know if most of you travel for work. But it is not as glamorous as people think.
I worked for Discovery for about 14 years. I've shot in every state except Alaska and Nebraska - most places multiple times. And I've got to go shoot in a lot of other countries as well.
But traveling for work and traveling for pleasure are two different things.
When we went over to shoot our China show - the crew arrived - and on their first weekend they went to the Forbidden City - but that was it. For three months, they never had a chance to do anything else touristy...
Well. We did go bungy jumping on Bill's birthday.
It's just like you move your life to another city. Another hotel. And unless you drink, party and are single - you go back to your room at the end of the 12-14 hour day - make a few calls - and go to bed.
Sounds sucky right? Well - if you don't - your of no use the next day.
Now of course, you younger guys might have more stamina... But if you're doing it week in and week out - you gotta pace yourself.
Right now - I'm in SF. My body is still on East Coast time - so I wake up at 5. Do some writing till 7. Work out a half hour. Take a shower, get dressed - and hit the road at 8:15. Eat an apple for breakfast as I walk to work - about 2 miles. Usually talk to the wife all the way in. Work till a bit past 6 - then walk 2 miles back. Hit a Thai noodle restaurant with a book - and eat and read till about 8. Come back to the room - check out email - make some calls - and fall over about 9:30 or 10.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Sound boring? Lonely?
Not really. Used to it. Just miss the family.
I got 8 more weeks of this. Till we know what's going on.
And they don't know what's going on. They want me to tell them what's going on. And I sure as hell don't know either... But I'm good at making stuff up....
And as long as they don't find out the truth about me... I should be able to keep this up.
All. The. Way. To. The. Bank. Baby.
Time to make the donuts...
I MADE the donuts.
You forgot one thing in your agenda for life away from home: eat fully artifical foods at the free continetal "breakfast."
I think I'm still queasy from that one in Minneapolis.
10:39 AM
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