Back to the Motherland...

So I'm on my way.
Sitting here again in the lovely Ft Wayne airport.
Can't believe I've been on this job for 4 weeks. Can't believe I still have a job.
Can't believe I'm going back to China.
Went to my parents last night for dinner. My sister and Shawn and his family both came. Shawn spent most of the night on his laptop - answering emails. We laughed that it had been 5-6 years since we were last in China. Told stories - and laughed some more.
It's all fun and games till you gotta get on a 14 hour non-stop flight.
Did I mention that I have some claustrophobia issues?
Thank God for Business Class - cause no book is good enough to make economy disappear for that long. And the fight for the armrest would just be exhausting.
Drove in to the airport today in complete fog. And heading into this trip - it's very similar. I ended up refusing to turn in a budget. No sense trying to defend numbers that even I can't back up. And one can only lie so much... Even me...
So after this trip I should have a better handle on what the cost of things will be.
Last time I did a show in China - I threatened to give up directing all together. I shot 3 months straight - lost 15 pounds - and wanted to crawl into a corner and cry for a long time.
Hopefully this won't be as disheartening as an experience.
I haven't really even gotten to use my Chinese in 5 years. Except when I go to Chinese restaurants - and that still is limited. I know I must look crazy - but I'll practice when I'm driving. Or in the shower. Just start ranting to myself in Chinese - trying to keep up the conversation. About anything. Just to try to work out my rusty Chinese tongue muscles.
I should be fine. Gimme a couple weeks and the brain will start working again.
As long as I can get over the jetlag. Exact 12 hour difference from here to there. SO when its day here - night there. And night there is day here. So if I was a vampire - I'd do great. But I'm already body surfing east coast west coast time - so adding in China time should take me right over the top...
Hope to be blogging. Maybe even attaching a real picture or two. Probably in the middle of the night... Fighting off the next day.
14 hours. Trapped that long - I might run out of reasons to do other things than write. Maybe I'll even crank out some pages.
Go figure.
Till then... Please wash your hands. And by all means - don't step on the cock for water. Even if they ask you nicely...
Rusty Chinese tongue muscles?
My GOD you are sexy.
How can the girls keep away?
9:17 AM
Have a great time in China, working like an adult :)
11:20 PM
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