So that happened....
It's not that I have a "double life." It's all just one life - with two sides...
And I don't have superpowers - unless you call being able to lure small children into old rusty vans superpowers.
And I know it "looks" like I'm getting arrested... But that's what its supposed to look like. We have a deal - this cop and I. He "arrests" me - to keep up my street cred - and I give him "the word on the street."
Yesterday was a blur.
Chicago was basically shut down on Friday with strong winds. Every flight going in or out way delayed or cancelled. Coming back from SF put me back 4 hours - and so I had my wife drive to Chicago to pick me up. Going to Ft Wayne to get me is an hour. Going to Chicago is usually 2.5 hours - but there is all sorts of construction that we didn't count on - that took her closer to 4 hours to get there.
I stood outside of the airport on the curb waiting for the last 1.5 hours.
We got home about 3:30am. And my suitcase made it to Ft Wayne ahead of me.
Did spend some quality time with the family though. Took the boy to get a haircut. Got mine done as well. Went to the airport to get said suitcase. Picked up the latest Battlestar Galatica DVD set - in order to prepare for the 14 hour flight I have before me tomorrow.
Wonder what they'll think of the squeaky nose?
My season 2.5 DVD came in the mail just the other day. The extended Pegasus episode is quite good. It drags a bit - probably a good thing they just showed the shorter version - but it feels like an extended Lord of the Rings DVD. You know it's not the REAL movie, it's the real movie PLUS another hour or two (and for a 1-hour TV show, that makes it another 20 minutes).
I am counting down the days until Oct. 6th...
8:28 PM
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