
There really is nothing to write about this.
It has been said to the point that really there is nothing more to be said.
But if you must see it -
See it with friends. In as full a theater as you can find.
And laugh.
I forgot that right when I first got my agents - they put me up for a rewrite on Sam Jackson's dialog on this film.
Needless to say I got read - but didn't get the job.
But boy oh boy - they sure could've used it.
This is a great example of a movie that feels like a first draft. It delivers the fun and games in act two - but act one and three feel rushed - thrown together - and lacking in any logic. And some movies that do that you don't care - but this one I did.
It's not to say it wasn't fun.
And you got to see snakes bite everything. Every body part - everything.
And yes - I jumped. High. One time. Cursing and hiding my eyes.
In the end - they delivered exactly what they promised.
BEEP BEEP snakes on a BEEP BEEP-ing plane.
No more. No less.
I really think that the bad dialogue was part of the fun. It might have been unintentional, but I'm not sure if the movie would have been as fun without the B-movie grade dialogue.
9:41 PM
I always thought that the camp was the whole point of SoaP. But I haven't seen it yet, so I can't judge.
11:54 PM
i didn't really have a beef with the dialog as much as i did the horrible story logic.
i mean - the big climax revolves around restoring the air conditioning because its getting too hot?
come on...
and it wasn't just that the dialog is bad - its that you have Sam MFing Jackson in your movie. and the best line he got out of his mouth was written by Josh Friedman in his blog - and then put in the movie for the reshoots...
i want it to be bad. i want it to be silly.
just doesn't have to be stupid too.
all in all - i still liked it. but it could have been a classic - if it just had a logic pass
1:32 AM
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