First day at new job

Best to make a good impression.
Here's my new theory about first impressions:
Best get them out of the way. If you are an asshole - be an asshole. Better let them see what's coming so they know. Surprise them later and they didn't know what they were getting. Let them know from the start - and they get out of your way.
Less betrayal that way.
So I flew into San Fran yesterday. And dear God - how did I ever take those trips to China? I finished my excellent book - Thank you for smoking! - halfway through the flight and I thought I would die for the last hour. They were playing some insipid new NBC sitcom and it was so bad I couldn't even watch it with the sound off. I just went to the back of the plane and stood there - trying to make it till we got in.
Which we did.
To say nothing of the people in KY yesterday who didn't. God be with them and their families. But nothing is more encouraging than waiting in the airport for your flight on a similar plane than watching CNN on the airport TV's talking about how no one made it through the plane crash.
So here I sit.
I stayed up last night and watched the end of Entourage. Very good season. I am invested in it now. And it kept me up till 11 - which is good cause I'm trying to switch time zones. Still woke up today at 6am though. Which can be good - cause I'm planning on going down to the fitness center after I write this.
So it's make nice day.
I go in and smile and they smile and we all feel each other out and see if we are going to be able to make this work. Granted - they seem like really nice people and I have a difficult time with nice people cause I always figure they must be hiding something. In the closet probably. Like the guy who had this job before me.
Here's what they don't count on though.
I rarely have a problem speaking my mind. One ad exec who I used to direct commercials for called me a big middle finger. And it stuck. Yes - I can be that. But I like to see myself as more. And really - I'm more like a medium sized middle finger.
So go figure. Last year - I worked the east coast from the midwest - this year, I'm rocking the west.
And laying here in the grey cloudy morning - I had a great idea for a pre-open to my already confusing screenplay open that makes things even more cloudy... perfect!
I was supposed to call STAR1's agent back today - but got a desparate email from my Paramount guy telling me to hold off for a day. He has someone who likes it... and wants to see where it will go.
SO let's give him today... and see what the fuss is about.
I'm off to the second floor gym... and then- infinity and beyond!
Glad you're taking the SF gig brother. Give me a call when you have a minute between catching trolleys and going to the public baths -- we can talk TV shop and reminisce about the good old days of battling evil (and I think you know of whom I speak, she of the awkward style) together.
1:40 PM
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