
Been trying to blog... But this damn computer won't cooperate.
Actually there would probably not really be a problem with writing - but each day for the last week - it wouldn't let me post a picture. And - really - who comes here for the words anyway?
Had an interesting weekend.
Saw Miami Vice. I'd call it Miami Nice.
This guy Michael Mann. What an incredible director. Doesn't care if you don't understand what's going on - he just throws you into the middle of the story. Doesn't care that his lead actress doesn't speak English. Just makes her speak Cuban and Spanish and English. And she is still incredible. Doesn't care that he has two leads in the film. He gives some of the best dialog in the movie to a girl who didn't say more than two lines the whole film.
Good film. Not the best story - but mood and tone and action still carry the day.
Saturday was my anniversary.
17 years kids. Don't know how I managed to keep her this long - but here is a hint.
Anyways. She picked the movie and it was Talladega Nights.
I have a cold - a pretty bad cough - but I laughed hard enough to cough up phlem.
My wife loved it more than I did. Shawn gave a pretty accurate assessment when he said it was Will Ferrell's Adam Sandler movie. Some really great laughs - and a lot of slow points... But overall it was funny.
Trying to get back on a schedule this week.
There has been no writing going on. Lots of reading and film watching - but no writing. So now is the time to jump back in and make it happen.
And something is supposed to come from SF. So we shall see...
Love the photo. I have a Celebrity Centre Scientology story, but it'll have to wait...
Thanks for the kind words about my blog. I enjoy yours, too.
Have a nice day.
10:05 AM
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