Yesterday - all my troubles are still here today

There is probably no better feeling in the world than when someone comes up to me on the shoot as I am painting something - or carrying something - or sweeping up after people - and they decide this is the perfect time to ask me:
Hey. Aren't you supposed to be shooting a feature now? What happened with that?
I like to think that I don't have much of an ego or pride - but I must have a little - cause it still hurts like a paper cut to the tongue.
Most of the guys on the crew are ones that I have hired over the years to work for me.
Now - I work for them. Perfect proof that God has a sense of humor. Others might say he has a perfect sense of justice...
In the mean time - no news on the script. Still waiting on the big director.
But I did get to enjoy the suckerpunch deluxe of telling my dad - who blew out his knee the day before I left to come to this job - who moved to this small town in Indiana to be near his kids and grandkids - who has spent the last 60 days learning to walk again - who is very excited that this job is coming to a close -
I got to tell him that we might be packing up and moving to California.
I can see his face trying to stretch into a very painful smile - as he stumbles to the ground in shock.
On the funny tip -
While breaking down flats yesterday - one of the kids - Joel, 16 - was trying to screw stuff in while I held it together. He stripped three screws and kept blaming the screws.
I asked him:
Who taught you how to screw boy?
Joel: (under his breath)
You're momma....
I start laughing... Hard enough to almost drop the 10 foot flats...
What did you say?
I think you heard me just fine...
And that, my friends, is the clarion call to move on....
Is this "moving to California" spirit evidence of one or more of your job interviews going well?
Who am I going to get to kick my ass over my unwritten scripts? Need I remind you that the world revolves around me?
8:59 AM
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