Who turned out the Lights?

So it's not that I haven't blogged.
It's that I couldn't blog... And there is a big difference.
Sometime last week - the backlight on my laptop went out completely. When the computer would be turned on - all you would see is black. And this really makes writing difficult.
On Saturday - I tried to steal the orphan's laptop while he went skydiving- but he had a password on it - the bastard - and I couldn't hack it - even though his hint was something about animals and the weather... What the heck is that?
So here is the update on what you might have missed:
I am done with Bill.
We finished on a good note. I don't think he hates me... Too much anyways...
The sets look great. Bill is a genius as always. But he wasn't really too happy with much of anything. Not sure if he is completely unhappy with me - but he is probably unhappy. That's what you get when you hire a director to work in the art department - a guy who likes to sit around and tell others what to do...Without getting his hands too dirty.
Truthfully, I will be cleaning paint out of my nails for weeks.
We drove back to the wonderful state of Indiana on Sunday.
Since my wife, kids and the orphan came out a week later than I, we had to take two cars back. So we tag teamed three drivers across two cars and made it back in 13 hours. Nothing exciting - but somehow in the process, I managed to get a huge cold. Deep hacking cough. But other than that - I am fine.
Job scene.
Should be hearing something this week about the West Coast job. Not sure what it will be though. The guy in LA doesn't get back in the office till today and he wants to see both candidates - at least that's what he said last week. But who knows. I expect to hear something later on.
In other strange news - the reality show in China wrote me again asking if I was available to come over and start prep in August... But who knows what the details of that shoot will be.
Movie front.
So the world keeps getting wierder.
STAR1's agent is really pushing that STAR1 wants to do this film. Their agency - which just absorbed a huge TV agency - wants to go out to the studios with the project. I called MINI-MAJOR and told them the situation. They said they would love to pick up where we left off and go ahead with the film again - 100% financed and green - lit. I thought this was pretty awesome. I told this to the agent - and he said that was great - but they thought they could do better. The deals we had in place with the MINI-MAJOR were very low money deals for the stars - and they wanted to see if they could up the budget even more.
We are supposed to talk this week. So we will see.
This is all for a script that would have been lucky to support a 2 mill budget... So go figure. There is hope out there for all aspiring writers....
My agents still are fighting with directors - although that might be moot.
So it will be an interesting week.
I am looking forward to getting my laptop fixed - cause I keep making typos typing on a real keyboard...
And I am gonna meet with Ryan today - restarting our writers group that has been on hold for 2 months...
SO back at it. Sorry I was gone... But the blackout is over...
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