Monday, July 24, 2006

Accidentally on Purpose

Very very strange day.

Got in yesterday - what a typical nightmare - other than the fact that our flight was delayed in Detroit for an hour - and then a woman two rows behind me had a heart attack midflight - I did arrive here in one piece.

Headache really bad all day - and it continues this morning.

My interview is in three hours.

I'm taking a cab over - but first I have to iron my clothes.

Let me make an interesting point.

I don't own clothes that need ironing.

Well - I do, but I don't ever wear them. So this morning I will iron. Hopefully I won't be burning...

So while on one hand - I am excited about a job that doesn't involve being Bill's whipping boy - it is a bittersweet day as well.

Saw online today that STAR2 is doing another big film - and the weird thing is that STAR1 - the kid that upended my film - might be joining him as the lead.

Funnier yet - in the interview - STAR2 brought up my film - saying it is "dead in the water."



I wish I could say I didn't see the horse - but I hit it just the same...

Time to burn....


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