stretched thin

New Day.
Yesterday was great.
Caught up with Ryan - who is deep into character development for his new script. Should be easier this time - since he loves rom com so much... And since he finally got him a girlfriend...
Now he actually might have something to write about...
Had dinner with the family.
Nice to see Dad. He has lost about 35 pounds - but can walk now with walker. He is hoping to move to a cane. Once that is done - he can start all over with a new knee replacement.
Hooking up with Shawn today.
Hoping to see Miami Vice tonight.
Watched the Machinist last night. What a great movie. Brad Anderson is pretty cool. The guy moves between genres like a maniac. Would love that kinda career.
Today - I swear I will write.
Hard to get back to the discipline. Been unable to for so long that I almost feel like I don't remember how to start.
And all of my notes are on the laptop.
But that can't stop me. I will prevail. Or so I would like to think.
Well. Enough of that. Off to lunch.
If it makes you feel any better, I worked not at all last night. Had a guy on suicide watch at the house, so checking on him every five minutes put an end to dreams of progress. Maybe if no one tries to kill himself tonight …
7:18 PM
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