Not Guilty

Listen - I swear it was worse than it sounds. And if you saw what that seal was wearing? She was asking for it.
Luckily - after the judge saw the way she blew on those horns and played with that piece of fish before eating it - I plea bargained and regardless of what the Inuit Times says - I am not a registered seal offender.
Instead I was sentenced to 50 hours of community service teaching screenwriting to Eskimos. Who knew?
One already has a logline on Inktip called "30 names for snow" about a Black Detective one week from retirement who partners with a goofy but sly Eskimo to solve the riddle of the spawning salmon.
Sam Jackson is in talks.
And here I sit.
I spent yesterday and today painting the backside of linoleum to look like there are big pieces of stone on them. We do this by stretching out the 12 x 30 sheets into the grass by the shop and then try to blend three colors of paint by hand with something like a hand swiffer.
The backside of the linoleum is white - and acts like a giant reflector. The surface is so hot - my knees are completely burnt. We are supposed to be blending three kinds of paint into each stone - but the paint dries almost before we can get it onto the scalding hot surface.
And my eyes still feel like I have been staring into a flash for two days...
Bill says - Well. The art department is hard!
And yes, it is. Kudos to you in the Art Department! But as for me and my soft writerly hands - I'll head back to producing and directing... :)
After talking with my agents - it was decided that we would go out to directors as well as producers.
This holiday weekend, the script is in the hands of four semi-well known directors.
One has done thrillers before - usually involving water - and is a pretty good director. I actually like his films.
One has done a couple big horror films - one of which I was really concerned that my film would be too much like - even though it was written way before - but once I saw it was no longer worried because his film kinda sucked - and then went on to make over a 100million and spawn two sequels... So what do I know?
One is a team - who did a foreign film that did really well - but I had never heard of or seen.
One did two films that I have seen. One was OK. The other sucked - but had a pretty hot scene in it with a certain new mom that I still have on metal tivo.
So not sure at all how I felt about this - but it seems to be beginning again.
No word from former STAR1's people again. But it's probably cause his agent can't get him on the phone....
I'm gonna call you again today, sucka. Beware.
I read Exchange of Heart last night at work. I hate you.
8:27 AM
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