This is gonna hurt me...

more than it hurts you...
Good day yesterday.
I actually did something new. Tommy - you ass. I didn't make columns. I painted stone patterns on all the platforms for the King's throne room and bedchamber.
While Bill was not happy - he did give me the nod of - yah... That'll do pig.
So it was reason to celebrate.
Off to the mall last night with the kids and the orphan. Lola gave the kids a few bucks - so Jordan got Transformers - bringing the total count to about a kazillion - and Jade got a stuffed Husky - which will never replace the real one that died...But will go next to the 5 other stuffed ones that she has.
Crashed hard - and had a tough night.
Woke up repeatedly. Someone called me on my cell at 2:30 - and I know what you're thinking... Booty call, right? Well - I didn't pick up. And they left no message - so I guess we will never know...
(so if you're reading this - and it was you... Wait till my wife is outta the room next time...Cause I swear - I can get outta these chains anytime I want... I know where she keeps the key.)
So the point of the picture.
I feel as if I have been breaking story on this thing for a long time.
The idea was there - I made it trickier - and now it has a life of its own and runs on its own steam. All night - I was dreaming about the story and where it was going and what needs to happen - and I kept waking up - thinking I need to write this down -
When in the middle of all this -
I somehow found myself in an elaborate Japanese live theatrical show where they tour around doing great feats of Martial Arts.
And they asked for volunteers. And somehow my hand went up.
And they took me backstage - gave me a kobe steak - and put me in a kimono.
They kept telling me that even though it looks like a sword goes straight through you - it really doesn't - so don't panic. It's all in fun.
But the way they talked really made it seem as if I should be panicking. They were all so nice and so quiet and the food was really "last meal you'll ever have" good... So it made for a restless night.
When I finally hit the stage - I was so quickly stabbed so fast and so hard -
I woke up.
Completely forgetting everything about MY story and only remember the Japanese part.
So you see why I need someone to bust my head open and free the doves of inspiration.
I can't do any head-busting until you come back to Warsaw. It only works in person.
See how I manipulate you?
7:47 AM
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