
Why is it that when we have a secret - we feel the need to share?
I worked on crime shows for the Discovery Channel for 12 years. I shot murder cases in every state in America except Nebraska. I have seen a lot of really gross things.
You know what all murderers have in common?
Big mouths.
They can't keep a secret.
It is the nature of man to be disgusting. We have a very gross, sinful streak to all we say and do. But we also have an innate desire to confess our wrong doing to others. It's like we are so amazed at our depravity that we can't help but share our amazement with others.
True story:
A friend of mine was a missionary kid. Growing up in other parts of the world - you get to do and see things that most don't. One such trip in High School took him to remote parts of India.
He was riding a bus to meet up with his parents who were in a small village. He was the only white guy for thousands of miles. He was sitting in the back, tossing little pebbles out of the window - bored out of his mind.
The bus crossed a bridge. Really high up. Long ways down. No guard rails.
An old man was walking across the bridge.
As fate would have it - one of his carelessly tossed stones connected with the old man's head - and as they drove by -
My friend saw the old man fall.
Now - unless this guy was Superman - and we all know that's impossible cause Superman is not Indian - come on! - this guy is now dead. My buddy looked around the bus - yelling for them to stop - begging them to turn around.
But no one would listen. A few laughed at his pleading - having no clue that somewhere at the bottom of a large valley lay the body of his fellow curried countryman.
My friend basically committed a murder. Well - not even basically. He did. He is a killer. Walking and talking among you. Waiting for another bus somewhere, with a pocket full of rocks - where he can strike again. No one is safe.
Not so freaking funny anymore huh?
But it's all good - cause it was a long time ago.
And I promised Steve I would never tell anyone bout this - so we can just keep this between me and you right?
Besides - what is the statute of limitations on murder? Gotta be past... That was at least 20 years ago-
There is no limitations?
Whoops. My Bad.
(Waves hands furiously in the air to create a wonderful distration....)
Wanna know a secret about unicorns......?
Know how I know you're lying?
1:02 PM
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