
Here's something funny:
When you put this little "site tracker" thing-y on the bottom of your site - you can "track" who comes here!
The best part of it - you can see why they come here.
Most of the "lost" people show up here for the posts about the World Series of Trivia that I ran awhile back.
A lot of hits for the story of the midget that got eaten by the hippo...
But today - someone from Hawaii ended up here - looking for "Japanese whorehouses!"
This must really be disappointing... :) We had a whole thing on Thai Whorehouses - but sorry - no Japanese...
But it is amazing to think that somehow one thing is related to the other...
And speaking of surprises.
I got a call yesterday.
Yes, I know I was supposed to talk to my agents on Monday to set into motion the sale of my script. But one of my two agents has been in Australia on the set of another one of their clients films. And he just got back yesterday. So I hope to hear from them today?
So the call wasn't from them.
I saw the Cali area code - and wanted to take the call - but I was in the middle of a big painting project. So I bit the bullet and kept working. Checked the message.
It was a secretary calling for her boss. Just left name and number.
Name sounded familiar - but not entirely sure who it was. Puzzled over it for an hour - and finally broke down and called back.
Guy got on the phone immediately.
As soon as I heard his voice - I remembered who he was. He is DOGSTAR's agent!
Now before you get too excited - as I did when I immediately yelled out - "Hey! You're DOGSTAR'S AGENT! This is really cool!" I also found out that he has a new client.
And that he loves my script. And that he would love to try to set something up for us to work together on it.
And his new client is STAR1!
That's right, gentle reader. The STAR1 that has been attached to this film for the last two years. Who dropped out two months before we were to start shooting. The STAR1 who refused to call or sign anything - and after the mini-major had sold the film at CANNES and the AFM - with posters with his name on it - with the contracts at his lawyers - with his agents approving the start date -
Now he has a new agent.
And he wants to talk about doing the movie again.
I think of all the times I just wanted to get on here and talk about what a little bastard that kid was - how much I hate him and his manager - how he has messed with my life for two years -
And I laugh.
I guess in the end it doesn't matter much does it?
I told his agent to set up a call. And he better do it fast - cause I'm gonna go out with the script next week.
Surprise! You're adopted!
Don't hate the player... Hate the game....
Oh, it's a funny, funny, fun-funny world, ain't it?
Ball's in your court, tiger. Go get 'em...
10:07 AM
That's wicked weird.
I would have loved to have seen that kid's face when his agent showed him that script.
1:49 PM
That just proves how small a world Hollywood is. Good on you, mate.
5:23 PM
scary...but true - unfortunately its the way it can all work.
Good luck.
12:03 AM
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