Monday, July 03, 2006


So after hearing about all the joys of working in the art department - my kids decided to get in on the action.


So back to clean up.

Had a very nice phone call with Ryan yesterday. First time we hooked up in a month. Since I left - he has written a whole script, plotted a second - and has a really good idea for a third.

Not really sure why he wants me to come back... :) He seems to be doing fine on his own.

One really nice thing is that after having a script of mine for about - I don't know... 4 or 5 months - he finally read it.

And he liked it. And believe me - Ryan doesn't like anything.

This script - one I wrote a little over a year ago - is a troubling beast.

I set out without a plan - and each day decided to write the coolest things I could think of - jam it all together and hope it comes out OK. It came out pretty good - but still needs work.

Problem is - everyone likes it. But it will most likely never get made.

So there you go. If I take that one - add it to my script that has two distinct halves - and then take my new idea... I have three things not ready for the world...

And this is the week we get ready for the attempted sale of my other script.

Life is funny.

But I can say this - nothing makes me want to get back to writing more than having to work.

So all I gotta do is break this story - and write the thing.

That's it...

As soon as I clean up the living room...


Blogger glassblowerscat said...

I watched movies all last night. Thelma and Louise kicks ass.

Nothing makes me want to write like watching a really good movie.

Problem is … nothing makes me doubt my powers like watching a really good movie.

That's why I want you back. Base selfish need for exhortation.

9:02 AM


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